雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Unistress Building Construction Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fortune Peace Group, was established in 1969. Our businesses include demolition works, site formation, foundation and...

  2. 裕和集團 - 建築營造-聯力建築有限公司. 項目名稱. 新界屯門第48區青山公路青山灣段的屯門市地段第518號住宅發展項目. 描述. 建築師. P&T Architects Limited. 業主. Ocean Regal Limited. 開始日期.

  3. Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Structural Steel under Development Bureau. Registration of General Building Contractor by Buildings Department.

  4. Unistress Building Construction Ltd.聯力建築有限公司 - SERA. 心田先祖種,福地後人耕。 香港從一個小漁村發展成為國際大都會,除靠先輩們植根香港,努力工作,將荒山開拓為福地,讓後人能以此安身立命,白手興家創基立業者有之,克紹箕裘繼往開來者有之,營營役役為口奔馳者有之,世代努力耕耘,承傳着獅子山下的克苦拼搏精神,為締造美善家園作出貢獻。 惟順逆無常,人生際遇難有相同,生活起跌,當中有幸有不幸。 雖然政府在扶貧濟弱方面着力不少,但一個具使命感的良心企業,應主動關愛社群,回饋社會,積極參與各項善舉,並樹立榜樣,鼓勵行業一起發揮力量,以盈補缺,以既濟扶未濟,共建和諧社會。

  5. Acquired Unistress Building Construction Ltd. with the following licenses from Hong Kong Government: Group C (Confirmed) of the Building Category under Development Bureau Building (New Works) – Group NW1, and Building (Maintenance Works) Category — Group M2 (Confirmed) under Hong Kong Housing Authority

  6. Off-site Construction (MiC / DfMA) Supplier / Manufacturer. Construction Industry Council. CIC Headquarters: 38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Representative Office of CIC in Guangdong: Room 1308, 13/F, Guangdong International Hotel, 339 Huanshi Road East, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou.

  7. Unistress Building Construction Ltd ("Unistress") was established in 1969 in Hong Kong. Unistress is a main contractor for building works such as building construction, foundation, piling, site formation, hihways & drainage construction, demolition, electrical & mechanical installatiion fitting-out, interior decoration & maintenance works etc.

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