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  1. 美元定存利率普遍較港元或其他外幣的定期存款利率高,加上聯繫匯率下港人持有美元承受較低匯價風險,即使美元定存回報未必比股票或基金等其他投資產品可觀,但勝在回報明確穩定,亦被大部分投資者視作避險貨幣。 敍造美元定存,第一步當然是要物色一個提供高息美元定存的銀行戶口。 經本網開立指定銀行戶口,不但可以享有銀行提供的開戶優惠,還可享有MoneyHero獨家優惠。 完成後,即可按指定要求開立美元定存! 美元定期存款利息計算機. 存款額: 定存年利率(%): 存款期(月): 㩒我計吓自己賺到幾多息! 各大銀行美元定期存款利率比較. 現時提供較高美元存款利率的銀行為富邦銀行及信銀國際! 下列為各大銀行的3個月、6個月及12個月美元定期存款利率: 回到頁首 | 定存利息計算機. 短期美元定期存款利率比較.

    • 國際

      定期存款利率2024!哪間銀行港元定存利息高?雖然巿場續漸 ...

  2. 2023年5月5日 · 匯率以中間價計算,更新:24/09/2024 19:30. 定期存款資料只供參考,個別銀行有優惠限期及額度限制,最終條款以銀行公布為準。. 每項定存計劃只列 ...

  3. 宜家只要你有1萬美元以上閑置資金放係IBKR Pro,盈透證券可以俾到最高 4.33% 年利率,每日計息,每月發放,隨存隨取,可以當成活期儲蓄戶口。 另外IB絕對係買美國國債最佳平台,因爲係IB買美債佣金最低只需USD$5,係所有券商平台中收費最低! 如果有閑置資金,想賺高息,又想係減息前買入高息美國國債,可以考慮開番個IB戶口。 除左美金之外,其他貨幣例如加元、澳元都一樣有高息。 了解更多. 想了解更多開戶教學可參考 : IB 香港開戶教學 | 盈透證券開戶攻略. 想了解更多 IB 工具教學可參考 : Interactive Broker 好用股票投資交易工具教學. MOX 信用卡 (Mox Credit) 開戶優惠. 0:零年費,FPS轉賬零手續費 (每月3萬額度)

    • USD Fixed Deposits Preferential Interest Rate Offers
    • 4 Tips Before Making USD Fixed Deposits
    • Frequently Asked Questions About USD Fixed Deposits
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    HSBC Bank’s foreign exchange and time deposits offer up to 9% interest for HSBC Jade, Premier, and One clients

    HSBC customers whoexchange currencies and depositat least $2,000 USD in can get preferential interest rates. This applies to mobile banking, branch banking, and phone banking.

    Citi Plus USD Time Deposit for 1 month with annual interest rate of 3.5%

    Qualified Citi Plus customers can enjoy an annual interest rate of 3.5% by transferring new funds in USD to open a time deposit. The maximum amount of new funds is HKD 100,000.

    Citigold USD time deposit for 3 months with an annual interest rate of 5%

    Citigoldeligible clients can enjoy an annual interest rate of 5% (variable depends on client’s account). Please refer to Citi Mobile App for the latest interest rate.

    Different deposit periods offer different annual interest rates, so it’s better to inquire with the bank for further information.
    Fixed deposits cannot be withdrawn before maturity. Otherwise, no interest will be earned, and even handling fees may be charged. Better planning if you decide to invest in time deposits.
    USD deposits are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which may result in profit opportunities or loss risks. When customers exchange USD for HKD or other foreign currencies, they may suffer loss...
    Banks may not specify a promotional period, and the annual interest rate may fluctuate at any time. Please remember to clarify and ask questions before opening an account.

    How does the US interest rate hike affect USD fixed deposits?

    Since the US interest rate hike, banks have raised their USD fixed deposit interest rates and introduced account opening promotions. Currently, opening a USD fixed deposit account may allow you to earn higher interest rates.

    Does the deposit period affect the deposit interest rate?

    Depending on the length of the deposit, banks may provide different deposit interest rates.

    How are qualified new funds defined?

    Qualified new funds are equal to the net deposit amount in your savings and current accounts over the past 30 days, minus the principal amount of any fixed deposits that have enjoyed new fund offers within the past 7 days.

    If you want to check out the preferential interest rates in other currencies, check out the other blog posts here: HKD Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Comparison and RMB Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Comparison. Wanna stay ahead of the herd? Let’s check out the MoneySmart blog for more financial tips! MoneySmart—Your One-Stop Financial Products Platform ...

    • Anson Chiu
  4. 2024年7月5日 · 就當然要揀市場罕有嘅 8年期中期儲蓄保險計劃 ,100%保證穩賺高息!. 富衛人壽的「自主保(升級版)定期保障計劃」 ( FWD MyTerm Plus),保障額高達800萬港元 +,總賠償金額更高達2,400萬港元 ++,保證續保至100歲 +++,毋須身體檢查,網上投保最快5分鐘完成 ...

  5. 2024年9月2日 · The best 1-month USD time deposit rate was Nanyang Commercial Bank at 6.00%, with a minimum deposit requirement of HKD 1,000. StashAway USD Cash Yield offers a yield-to-maturity of 5.3% p.a., with no minimum, no maximum deposit requirement, and no lock-ins.

  6. Access and manage your time deposit via our branches, phone banking, HSBC Online and Mobile Banking. Choose a deposit period between one week and 36 months. Enjoy a preferential interest rate based on your integrated account type, deposit amount, deposit period and Total Relationship Balance.