雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. HKUST is the top choice for high-caliber JUPAS applicants. Learn about the admissions requirements and reference scores. Forecast the chance of success with JUPAS Calculator.

    • 内地高考入学

      香港科技大学在内地独立招生,并不参加全国普通高校统一招 ...

    • Visiting

      Currently be a registered undergraduate student at a ...

    • Computer Science

      Computer science covers the application of computer ...

    • Admissions

      The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at ...

  2. Computer science covers the application of computer technology to solve important problems in the scientific, engineering, and commercial domains. Our BEng COMP program offers a comprehensive education that cultivates problem-solving skills necessary for tackling computational problems across core areas, including programming, data structures ...

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  4. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at HKUST is among the largest computer science departments in Hong Kong. We offer internationally recognized computer science programs with more than 600 undergraduate students, as well as around 80 MPhil (Master of Philosophy) and 350 PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) research postgraduate students.

  5. Admission to Computer Science (COMP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Engineering (CPEG), and Microelectronics and Integrated Circuits (MEIC) from the School-based admission track is expected to be competitive due to limited quota.

  6. 2024年10月4日 · Applicants with post-secondary qualifications should fulfill one of the following requirements: Completion of an associate degree in a post-secondary institution recognized by HKUST; OR. Completion of a higher diploma program in a post-secondary institution recognized by HKUST; OR.

  7. Computer science studies the application of computers in solving many important problems in scientific, engineering and commercial domains. Our general undergraduate degree program provides a broad education in all core areas of Computer Science, while

  8. Visible Light Positioning via Ambient Light Sensor for Indoor Localization. Visualizing locations and finding the way to a new destination are set to become simpler. Building the Next-generation AI Computing Cloud for Smarter Hong Kong.

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