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  1. 2024年6月21日 · UXTheme Patcher is a software that patch Windows 10 or Windows 11 theme signature requirements to enable Windows 10 or Windows 11 theme customization. DOWNLOAD OTHER APPS

  2. UltraUXThemePatcher modifies your system files so that 3. party themes can be used. You can download Windows themes from third parties and activate them (e.g. from DeviantArt.com). The program backups the original system files and all changes can be

  3. 您的桌面是否缺乏您渴望的活力和个性?. 不要满足于平淡!. 使用 UltraUXThemePatcher 释放您内心的设计大师,这是一款免费下载工具释放 Windows PC 隐藏的自定义潜力。. 想象一下,将您的桌面变成一件充满活力的艺术品,配有个性化主题、自定义颜色和独特 ...

  4. 2024年8月30日 · Small tweak that removes restrictions placed upon installation of third party themes with step-by-step wizard. UltraUXThemePatcher is a freeware theme patcher app and desktop enhancement utility developed by Manuel Hoefs for Windows, it's light on system resources and reliable.

    • (66)
    • Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
    • Desktop Enhancement Software
    • 4.4.3
  5. Release v2.2.0. Replaced license popup with warranty disclaimer. Added screensaver ignore option. Added icon to ThemeTool. Added some user-friendly warnings. Fixed tab navigation on the UI. Fixed Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 1607 support. Added ThemeDll.dll, a library to use in silent installers, PowerShell scripts, etc. All binaries are signed now.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. UltraUXThemePatcher Windows is a free, third-party application that allows users to bypass restrictions on customizing the visual appearance of their Windows system. Tired of the same old, dull Windows theme staring back at you? Does your desktop lack the pizazz and personality you crave? Don't settle for blandness!

  8. UltraUXThemePatcher 是一款优秀的软件允许用户自定义Windows操作系统的外观。 在使用这些系统时,您必须受到某些限制。 该软件可以帮助用户摆脱这些限制并取得成功的工作。 该软件可以使用主题和各种工具来不断改变工作空间的外观,而不会变得单调。 该应用程序设计非常简单,任何用户都可以轻松使用,没有任何问题。 为此不需要额外的知识。 这里的许多功能为用户提供了高性能。 绕过 UltraUXThemePatcher Windows 11 限制、修改系统文件、允许使用第三方主题、扩展选项、此扩展选项功能下的文件夹图像、为任务栏添加设计、文件夹内部的外观、文件夹名称、壁纸、文件图标主题均可添加。 使用此功能时的重要一点是备份操作系统中的文件。