雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.valuepartners-group.com › value-partners-classic-fundValue Partners Classic Fund

    Value Partners Classic Fund (The “Fund”) primarily invests in markets of the Asia-Pacific region, with a Greater China focus. The Fund invests in China-related companies and emerging markets which involve certain risks not typically associated with investment in more developed markets, such as greater political, tax, economic, foreign ...

  2. www.valuepartners-group.com › value-partners-classic-fund-tc惠理價值基金|惠理基金

    惠理價值基金(「基金」)主要投資於亞太區股票,尤其著重大中華地區。 基金投資於中國相關公司及新興市場,故涉及一般不會在發達市場出現之風險,包括較高政治、稅務、經濟、外匯、流通性及監管風險。 由於基金集中投資於亞太區,尤其中國相關公司,故亦需承受投資集中風險。 基金之價值或會巨幅波動及可於短時間內大幅下滑。 閣下可能損失投資的全部價值。 基金可投資於衍生工具,該投資工具可涉及重大風險,例如交易對手違約、破產或流通性風險,有可能引致基金蒙受嚴重損失。 就派息單位而言,基金經理目前有意每月分派股息。 然而,息率並不保證。 派息率並非基金回報之準則。 基金在支付派息時,可從資本中支付派息。

  3. Value Partners Classic Fund (TheFund”) primarily invests in markets of the Asia-Pacific region, with a Greater China focus.

  4. 2019年11月30日 · Value Partners Classic Fund (The “Fund”) primarily invests in markets of the Asia-Pacific region, with a Greater China focus.

  5. 2022年9月12日 · 基金名稱. 惠理價值基金C美元級別 (本基金配息來源可能為本金) 英文名稱. Value Partners Classic Fund C Units USD. 境外發行公司. 惠理基金管理香港有限公司 ...

  6. The Fund aims to achieve consistent superior returns through an investment discipline that places emphasis on the fundamental value of potential investments, which the Manager believes are being traded at deep discounts to their intrinsic values.

  7. Fund prices, fact sheets, investment research, advice and portfolio tools for OEICs, unit trusts, ISAs, PEPs, ETFs, offshore, and life and pension funds.

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