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  1. vista tcp ip 相關



  1. Description: The SG Vista TCP/IP patch us a quick way to optimize Vista TCP/IP settings for broadband internet connections. It sets both netsh auto tunning levels and modifies the Windows Registry as recommended by our Vista Tweaks article.

  2. 2008年8月17日 · XP的Evid 4226 patch, 想必為很多使用P2P軟體的人必裝的patch之一, 到了vista之後, 微軟對於vista本身核心檔案的數位簽章的檢查, 想必讓很多人為了解除這個連線數限制而傷透腦筋, 本篇文章會教你一步步的解除vista的tcpip連接數限制.. 在使用之前記得先備份自己 ...

  3. 其他人也問了

    • Check The TCP/IP State
    • Disable Windows Scaling Heuristics
    • TCP Auto-Tuning
    • Compound TCP - Improve Throughput
    • ECN Capability
    • RSS - Receive-Side Scaling
    • TCP Chimney Offload
    • Direct Cache Access
    • Setting MTU
    • Manually Tuning Registry Parameters

    To check the current status of the Vista TCP/IP tweakable parameters, in elevated command prompt type the following command: You will be presented with something like the following: The settings, as well as their default and recommended state are explained below. The two most important tweakable parameters are "Auto-Tuning Level" and "Congestion Co...

    Windows Vista/7 has the ability to automatically change its own TCP Window auto-tuning behavior to a more conservative state regardless of any user settings. It is possible for Windows to override the autotuninlevel even after an user sets their custom TCP auto-tuning level. When that behavior occurs, it can have a very noticeable negative impact o...

    To turn off the default RWIN auto tuning behavior, (in elevated command prompt) type: The default auto-tuning level is "normal", and the possible settings for the above command are: Our recommendation: normal (unless you're experiencing problems). If you're experiencing problems with your NAT router or SPI firewall, try the "restricted", "highlyres...

    Add-On Congestion Control Provider The traditional slow-start and congestion avoidance algorithms in TCP help avoid network congestion by gradually increasing the TCP window at the beginning of transfers until the TCP Receive Window boundary is reached, or packet loss occurs. For broadband internet connections that combine high TCP Window with high...

    ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification, RFC 3168) is a mechanism that provides routers with an alternate method of communicating network congestion. It is aimed to decrease retransmissions. In essence, ECN assumes that the cause of any packet loss is router congestion. It allows routers experiencing congestion to mark packets and allow clients to au...

    The receive-side scaling setting enables parallelized processing of received packets on multiple processors, while avoiding packet reordering. It avoids packet reordering y separating packets into "flows", and using a single processor for processing all the packets for a given flow. Packets are separated into flows by computing a hash value based o...

    TCP chimney offload enables Windows to offload all TCP processing for a connection to a network adapter. Offloads are initiated on a per-connection basis. Compared to task offload, TCP chimney offload further reduces networking-related CPU overhead, enabling better overall system performance by freeing up CPU time for other tasks. To set TCP Chimne...

    Windows 7 and 2008 Server (but not Vista) add NETDMA 2.0 Direct cache access support. Direct Cache Access (DCA) allows a capable I/O device, such as a network controller, to deliver data directly into a CPU cache. The objective of DCA is to reduce memory latency and the memory bandwidth requirement in high bandwidth (Gigabit) environments. DCA requ...

    It is sometimes useful to view and set the MTU value for a specific network interface manually. To view a list of active network interfaces and their MTU values in Vista using netsh, open command prompt as administrator and execute the following command: You will be presented with a list of interfaces, and their respective MTU values as follows: To...

    Many of the registry keys tuning TCP/IP parameters from previous Windows versions no longer work in Vista and Server 2008. Below is a list of the few we've confirmed to still work, as well as some new additions. Note that for changes to these settings to take effect the computer needs to be rebooted. As always, a registry backup is recommended if m...

  4. Windows Vista also supports network cards with TCP Offload Engine, that have certain hardware-accelerated TCP/IP-related functionality. Windows Vista uses its TCP Chimney Offload system to offload to such cards framing, routing, error-correction and acknowledgement and retransmission jobs required in TCP.

  5. 2008年8月17日 · [教學]解除Vista/SP1對於tcpip.sys的連接數限制 - 喬瑟菲 wrote:可以改用修改regi...(恕刪)已經使用該.bat檔修改了,但是在bt軟體仍舊顯示10的限制,請問有甚麼步驟錯過了嗎?

  6. 2004年4月30日 · 破解 Windows XP/Vista/7 之 TCP/IP 連線數限制. 由 心靈捕手 » 2010-06-05 09:16. 前言:. 修改 TCP/IP 連線數這個動作,對於有安裝 P2P 軟體的使用者來說並不陌生,微軟為了防堵一些後門程式大量的對外發出連線,在 Windows XP SP2 之後,就在 tcpip.sys 上頭做了修正,僅 ...

  7. 電腦領域 HKEPC Hardware » 軟體討論 » Vista SP2 改TCPIP 返回列表 發帖 Yahoo! 特級會員 1 # 跳轉到 » 倒序看帖 打印 字體大小: tT 發表於 2009-7-15 23:51 | 只看該作者 Vista SP2 改TCPIP 係咪咁就ok ? 之前用TCP-Z 的 附件 ...

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