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  1. 2022年3月17日 · Tent Card 座枱展示卡 是什麼?. Tent Card 放置在台上的迷你廣告牌,透過彩印的畫面及簡潔設計來帶給客人不同的信息。. Tent Card 由特定的刀模切割而成,刀模結構設計上含有卡扣位置,毋需膠紙或膠水也可以組裝,相當方便。. 儘管Tent Card 座枱展示卡 ...

  2. A tent card is a promotional unit made from printed and folded paper. Tent cards are designed to be placed on table tops, as well as counter tops, desks, or any other horizontal surface. Most of the time, they are printed in full color.

  3. 2024年8月3日 · A tent card is a self-standing card that is made of cardstock. Think of them as miniature billboards to convey your businessmessage to anyone who passes in front of your desk or counter. A tent card usually follows the A5 sheet size of 5.8 × 8.3 inches.

  4. Table tent cards are usually made from a sturdy 14 pt. Uncoated cardstock is similar to thick index cards but with a higher-quality finish. This allows them to create self-standing displays on tabletops, counters, or flat surfaces. Their compact size makes them perfect for showcasing essential details without overwhelming customers.

  5. Tent Card 座枱展示卡是什麼?Tent Card 如何協助我們推廣? 對於餐廳、咖啡館、酒店和酒吧等餐飲業來說,Tent Card 絕對是絕佳的室內推廣宣傳工具。究竟 Tent Card 可以點幫到我地?快D睇下文章。 #TentCard #台卡 #推廣 #宣傳 #設計...

  6. 座檯卡可放在餐桌上、收銀處等當眼位置,精美小巧,卻能吸引別人眼球。. 除了餐廳,座檯卡還可以用於其他場合。. 你可以告訴客人最新優惠;給客人重要的資訊;你還可以引領來賓參觀你的展覽和表演攤位。. 除了一般圖像設計,座檯卡還能展示宣傳文字 ...

  7. 2021年2月1日 · Created from printed foldable cardboard, a table tent card is a self-standing unit designed to be placed on tabletops. Even though small, it is highly effective, especially when placed in highly-visible areas like desktops at co-working spaces, tables at restaurants and bars, and counters in hotel rooms.

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    tent card