雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 黃福榮MBG (英語: Wong Fuk Wing,1964年7月6日—2010年4月14日),綽號阿福,香港人,原是一名集装箱货车司机,2002年开始在中国内地做慈善 工作。 2010年4月14日,在 青海省 玉樹 地震 中為拯救被压 孤儿 不幸罹難,終年45歲。

  2. 黃福榮MBG (英語: Wong Fuk Wing,1964年7月6日—2010年4月14日),綽號阿福,香港人,原是一名集裝箱貨車司機,2002年開始在中國內地做慈善 工作。 2010年4月14日,在 青海省 玉樹 地震 中為拯救被壓 孤兒 不幸罹難,終年45歲。

  3. 2018年10月31日 · The "Hong Kong Red Cross Wong Fuk-wing Memorial Fund" (The Fund) is set up by family members of the late Mr. Wong Fuk-wing (Mr. Wong), the Hong Kong volunteer who sacrificed his life during the earthquake that struck Yushu, Qinghai in April 2010.

  4. 2021年8月17日 · Drake Wong Fuk-wing appeared on Tuesday at Fanling Court on charges of indecent assault and common assault allegedly committed at a flat and secondary school between April and October 2019.

  5. 香港義工「阿福黃福榮弟兄(英文:Wong Fuk Wing)在青海玉樹地震災區中捨身救人不幸罹難,他是玉樹抗震救援中首個遇難的志願者。 他對生命的珍惜及無畏的愛心感動了內地和香港兩地無數人,連日來許多人自發舉行各種活動紀念他「大愛無疆」。

  6. 2010年4月20日 · Mr. Wong Fuk-wing, you are my hero, and you have made all Hong Kong citizens proud! If not for his heroic act of sacrificing his life at the early age of 46 in the course of attempting to rescue victims of the recent Qinghai earthquake, we would have never heard of him.

  7. 2010年7月5日 · Hong Kong volunteer Wong Fuk-wing, also known as Ah Fuk, who sacrificed his life in the course of attempting to rescue victims of the recent Qinghai earthquake, was laid to rest in his home city ...

  8. 2010年4月18日 · The body of a Hong Kong volunteer, Mr Wong Fuk-wing, who lost his life in Qinghai, tonight (April 18) arrived in Shenzhen Bay control point via Guangzhou after a farewell memorial ceremony in Xining.

  9. 2010年4月18日 · Family members have retrieved the body of Hong Kong volunteer Wong Fuk-wing from the orphanage where he worked and was killed while bravely trying to save teachers and orphans that were trapped...

  10. Wong Fuk-wing was not a wealthy man, but he was more than equal to the most generous philanthropist. He gave what he could with what little he had to help the needy people of China: strength ...

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