雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. By joining the classes at the Tarumizu Central Junior High School, our students were able to directly interact with their Japanese peers, gaining first-hand insights into the Japanese education system and classroom dynamics.

  2. 王肇枝中學 Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School. 辦學宗旨:以基督為榜樣,提供全人教育,讓學生在德智體群美靈皆有均衡發展,並熱受學習,主動探索,積極發揮潛能,享受融洽有序之校園生活,養成終身自學,應變創新、自律自信素質,日後回饋社會,貢獻家國。 王肇枝中學外觀照片. 學校位置 :大埔區 › 新界大埔廣福道182號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 資助、男女校、基督教;位於大埔區. 香港有 360 間資助中學,佔整體約 78%;香港有 394 間男女中學,佔整體約 85%;香港有 153 間基督教中學,佔整體約 33%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 創校歷史. 1960 年創立,辦學團體:王肇枝中學.

  3. 王肇枝中學(英語: Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School,簡稱「WSCSS」)是香港 新界 大埔區內第一間英文中學,由王德馨醫生於1960年創辦,以其父親王肇端和母親黎單枝的名字命名。

  4. Welcome to WONG SHIU CHI SECONDARY SCHOOL website. About WSC. Our Portfolio. School Mission. In the spirit of Christ, we are committed to providing holistic Christian education, which fosters the ethical, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development of our students.

  5. Being the first subsidised secondary school, as well as the first school that offered the Hong Kong University Matriculation Examination programme in the New Territories, Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School has educated thousands of pupils in the territory over the

  6. 王肇枝中學(Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School)是位於大埔區的一間資助中學,學校面積約 8000平方米,屬於男女校,該校辦學宗旨是學校以基督為完美榜樣,致力提供基督化全人教育,建立融洽有序的校園生活,讓學生在德、智、體、群、美、靈六育皆有

  7. Welcome to WONG SHIU CHI SECONDARY SCHOOL website. 校園測檢計劃守則. S6 SLP and JUPAS related matters. 2024 HKDSE September Registration - Useful information. MTR Student Travel Scheme. 信報財經新聞:王肇枝中學校長 情繫學校30年. 《體路》新聞平台:【賽馬會「奧翔」計劃】新一期展開 藉遊戲學習奧林匹克價值. Information about eClass App. Highlights. S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp.

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