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    • 1. 流動資本
  2. 2024年6月27日 · Working capital, also called net working capital (NWC), is the difference between a company’s current assets and current liabilities. It measures a company’s liquidity and short-term financial...

  3. 2022年6月14日 · 一、营运资本,你真的理解其含义么?. 学习财务会计、企业估值都逃不过一个概念——营运资本 (Working Capital)。. 那什么是营运资本,99%的教科书都会粗暴且不负责的扔给读者一个公式当定义:. 营运资本=流动资产-流动负债. 可怜的读者糊涂半天,甚至在财会 ...

  4. 2023年11月28日 · 营运资金(Working Capital),也称营运资本营运资金从会计的角度看是指流动资产与流动负债的净额。 为可用来偿还支付义务的流动资产,减去支付义务的流动负债的差额。

  5. The working capital formula tells us the short-term liquid assets available after short-term liabilities have been paid off. It is a measure of a companys short-term liquidity and is important for performing financial analysis, financial modeling , and managing cash flow .

  6. 2022年12月27日 · Working capital is a measure of a company's liquidity, specifically its short-term financial health and whether it has the cash on hand for normal business operations. The number is the difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities: Working capital = current assets - current liabilities.

  7. 營運資金(英語: Working Capital,縮寫為 WC),為可用來償還支付義務的流動資產減去支付義務的流動負債的差額,可以用來衡量公司或企業的短期償債能力,其金額越大,代表該公司或企業對於支付義務的準備越充足,短期償債能力越好。

  8. 營運資金(英語: Working Capital,縮寫為 WC),為可用來償還支付義務的流動資產減去支付義務的流動負債的差額,可以用來衡量公司或企業的短期償債能力,其金額越大,代表該公司或企業對於支付義務的準備越充足,短期償債能力越好。

  9. 2022年8月22日 · Working capital is a financial metric that is the difference between a company's curent assets and current liabilities. As a financial metric, working capital helps plan for future needs and ensure the company has enough cash and cash equivalents meet short-term obligations, such as unpaid taxes and short-term debt.

  10. 2022年11月1日 · 营运资金(英语: Working Capital,缩写为 WC),为可用来偿还支付义务的流动资产减去支付义务的流动负债的差额,可以用来衡量公司或企业的短期偿债能力,其金额越大,代表该公司或企业对于支付义务的准备越充足,短期偿债能力越好。

  11. 2021年8月25日 · Working capital is the day-to-day cash that a company needs to run business operations. It is the difference between a company's current assets and its current liabilities. A company's working...

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