雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. WSET英國葡萄酒課程. 本學院提供WSET Level 1、WSET Level 2及WSET Level 3的葡萄酒証書課程,為對葡萄酒有興趣者及從業員提供一個學習葡萄酒與烈酒的平台。 選擇本學院WSET 課程的四大優點包括: 1.)課程由大文sir親自教授,擁有30年的酒店品酒師實戰及培訓經驗,有豐富的品酒技巧,令學員快速達到學習目標。 2.)本學院Level 2 共品試 42款有代表性優質葡萄酒,一般課程只有 24至35款。 3.)上堂時數較長,特設考試溫習班,提高學員成績。 4.)設彈性補堂及考試安排,學員可以覆蓋全部課程,無需擔心缺席任何課堂。 WSET . Wine & Spirit Education ... 調酒課程.

  2. Discover a world of knowledge with WSET's wine and spirit education and training courses, providing qualifications in wine training and spirit education. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is the largest global provider of wine, spirits, beer and sake qualifications.

  3. This course is based on the materials and curricula of the WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits. It is suitable for those who want to acquire knowledge of the broad range of spirits and product knowledge to underpin job skills and competencies in bar service, customer service and sales function of the hospitality, retailing and wholesaling industries.

  4. 香港紅酒學校是一所國際認可的專業品酒師培訓學校,提供一系列國際認可WSET證書課程(包括葡萄酒及清酒課程),以及英國威士忌證書課程。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

  5. 亞洲侍酒紅酒wset課程的授課之所以受到普遍關注和認可,主要也是餐飲行業的改革發展,不再只是滿足普通服務,而是更優質更高級的方向,紅酒學校的亞洲侍酒wset課程培訓將重點培育優秀的亞洲侍酒師,為消費者提供高端酒水服務。

  6. Online wine courses, online spirits courses and online sake courses from WSET. Find out about wine courses online and wine education online. In many locations around the world WSET qualifications can be studied for online.

  7. WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines is WSET®’s flagship qualification, providing in-depth knowledge and understanding of wines and the global industry.

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