雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Established in 1969, WSET has offered internationally-recognised wine & spirits courses in over 70 countries and more than 15 languages. The aim of the quality-assured qualifications, WSET Awards, is to provide best-in-class education and qualifications to inspire and empower the world’s wine and spirits professionals and enthusiasts.

  2. 香港品酒師及調酒師培訓學院 - 專業紅酒 (WSET)訓練課程. WSET英國葡萄酒課程. 本學院提供WSET Level 1、WSET Level 2及WSET Level 3的葡萄酒証書課程,為對葡萄酒有興趣者及從業員提供一個學習葡萄酒與烈酒的平台。 選擇本學院WSET 課程的四大優點包括: 1.)課程由大文sir親自教授,擁有30年的酒店品酒師實戰及培訓經驗,有豐富的品酒技巧,令學員快速達到學習目標。 2.)本學院Level 2 共品試 42款有代表性優質葡萄酒,一般課程只有 24至35款。 3.)上堂時數較長,特設考試溫習班,提高學員成績。 4.)設彈性補堂及考試安排,學員可以覆蓋全部課程,無需擔心缺席任何課堂。 WSET . Wine & Spirit Education ...

  3. 香港紅酒學校是一所國際認可的專業品酒師培訓學校,提供一系列國際認可WSET證書課程(包括葡萄酒及清酒課程),以及英國威士忌證書課程。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

  4. 考取英國 WSET 專業品酒師資格, 課程通過品酒及理論, W A Wine & Education 提供 WSET Level 1-3。WSET 品酒師課程, WSET Level 1 - $1500, WSET Level 2 - $5400, 成功通過考試可獲頒WSET證書

  5. WSET英國葡萄酒課程Level 2 Award in wine. 街接初級的中級証書課程,能進一步確認自己的品鑑技巧,是酒店,餐飲及酒類從業員的推薦課程。. 課程內容廣泛,教授世界各地葡萄酒的知識,增加品試者的品試技巧。. 研習各種酒款的釀製過程及材料,有系統地了解各款 ...

  6. The only WSET HK Approved Program Provider to offer all levels of WSET courses, up to level 4 (WSET Diploma) including wines, spirits and sake qualifications. Proximity to Central with highest number of daily schedule.

  7. AWSEC is the exclusive WSET® Diploma Provider in Hong Kong. WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines is WSET®’s flagship qualification, providing in-depth knowledge and understanding of wines and the global industry.

  8. Directed by Debra Meiburg MW, MWM Wine School in HK Southern District is a WSET Hong Kong approved program provider. Adhering to the WSET high-quality teaching concept, to provide WSET level 4 of the wine and spirits certificate courses, as interested

  9. Offer both WSET Wines & WSET Sake Courses in HK, 15+ years in teaching WSET courses. Provide WSET Level 1, WSET Level 2, WSET Level 3 for wine lovers.

  10. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is the largest global provider of wine, spirits, beer and sake qualifications. Trusted by the world’s most recognised drinks organisations, WSET has led the design and delivery of wine and spirit education for five decades.

  11. 考取英國 WSET 專業品酒師資格, 課程通過品酒及理論, W A Wine & Education 提供 WSET Level 1-3。WSET 品酒師課程, WSET Level 1 - $1500, WSET Level 2 - $5400, 成功通過考試可獲頒WSET證書

  12. Course Introduction WSET’s Level 1 Award in Wines is a beginner level introduction to wine, suitable for those starting a wine career or pursuing an interest in wine. For individuals new to wine study, this qualification provides a hands-on introduction to the world of wine. You’ll explore the main types and styles of.

  13. WSET aims to provide the best-in-class education and qualifications to inspire and empower the professionals and enthusiasts of wines and spirits. WSET qualifications are globally recognised as the international standard in wine and spirit knowledge.

  14. For individuals seeking to delve deeper into the world of wines, this qualification provides a detailed understanding of grape growing and wine making. Upon completion you will be able to assess wines accurately, and use your understanding to confidently explain wine style and quality.

  15. What is the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET® )? Are there any prerequisites for taking the WSET® courses? Can the courses be taught in other languages? Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 葡萄酒課程. 清酒課程. 烈酒課程. Office Hour. Mon - Sat.

  16. HKU SPACE is one of the Approved Programme Providers (APPs) of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET), and this programme prepares students to attempt and complete WSET wines qualification, namely ‘WSET Level 3 Award in Wines’.

  17. mcs.ymcahk.org.hk › zh › wset酒類證書課程

    WSET 專業證書

  18. WSET Courses. Why Study WSET at Sommelier: All levels of our WSET courses are tutored by WSET Level 4 Diploma holders plus WSET Certified Educator. Extended learning time in order to achieve better learning outcome. Extra and better tasting samples are selected and used in our WSET courses in order to achieve better learning outcome.

  19. WSET 是全球领先的葡萄酒、烈酒与清酒资格认证课程提供机构。 从1969年至今,备受全球知名酒饮行业信任的。 WSET在葡萄酒及烈酒教育的策划和实施方面一直处于领军地位。

  20. 亞洲侍酒紅酒wset課程的授課之所以受到普遍關注和認可,主要也是餐飲行業的改革發展,不再只是滿足普通服務,而是更優質更高級的方向,紅酒學校的亞洲侍酒wset課程培訓將重點培育優秀的亞洲侍酒師,為消費者提供高端酒水服務。

  21. What is the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET® )? Are there any prerequisites for taking the WSET® courses? Can the courses be taught in other languages? Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 葡萄酒課程. 清酒課程. 烈酒課程. Office Hour. Mon - Sat.

  22. 2011年7月3日 · 在葡萄酒學識的認証世界,我想最多人讀的應該是由英國人主理的 Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET)。 如果你和我一樣,喜愛葡萄酒,但不是業內人士,又想學習葡萄酒,WSET 到底是否值得讀呢? 回答這問題之前,首先要知道你是否只對一至兩個葡萄酒產區有興趣。 如果你只喝波爾多或勃艮第紅酒,那你不如省些錢,買一、兩本該產區的專書,再買多些酒喝吧! WSET 即使去到 Level 4,其實都不會對一、兩過地區有極深入的分析要求。 反之,WSET 注 重的是全面性。 跟據不同程度的要求,學生都必須掌握全世界各大酒區的資料,程度越高,必須知道的地區也越多,內容也越深入。 因此,如果你有興趣擴闊你對葡萄酒的視野,那就讀 WSET 我覺得是值得的。

  23. 4 天前 · LYNCHBURG, Va. (WSET) — About ten months after ABC13 reported on multiple claims of misconduct at Lynchburg Gynecology, the clinic confirmed it is closing.Back in September 2023, our team ...

  24. 4 天前 · AMHERST COUNTY, Va. (WSET) — The long-awaited renovation of Amherst County High School is well underway.On Tuesday, the Amherst County School Board gave the Board of Supervisors an early look ...

  25. 5 天前 · DANVILLE, Va. (WSET) — Senator Tim Kaine stood among River City Residents Tuesday morning at Crema and Vine, a local coffee shop in Danville. The meet and greet featured iced tea and a Q&A with ...

  26. 4 天前 · 中環Bar Leone首上榜即奪亞洲第一 COA跌出三甲 香港9間酒吧上榜. 2023年亞洲50最佳酒吧全名單出爐!. 香港9間酒吧上榜,而新上榜位於中環的BAR LEONE更即上榜首!. 立即睇內文了解全名單:. 2024年7月16日週二 下午10:39. 2024亞洲50最佳酒吧全名單!. 中環Bar Leone首上榜 ...

  27. AWSEC offers wine tasting course in HK for all wine lovers. The WSET Level 1 Award in Wines Premium introduces main types and styles of wine with useful skills.

  28. ‎The ultimate wine tasting app that enables you to: • Access expert knowledge with 270 aromas, flavors and wine terms. • Learn to taste wine like a pro • Decode the tasted wine • Organize or participate in FriendsTastings • Compare your tasting notes with those of your friends, or anonymously Sound…

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