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  1. Take a sample practice exam for WSET at The Wine Scribes. Test your knowledge with a collection of sample questions that you'll find on the WSET exam.

  2. WSET Level 3 Award in Wines. An advanced level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry and for wine enthusiasts. For individuals seeking to delve deeper into the world of wines, this qualification provides a detailed understanding of grape growing and wine making.

  3. Level 3 in Wines – Sample Quiz. Welcome to our level 3 sample exam! You will have 12 minutes to complete the 10 questions. You are required to score a minimum of 55% percent in order to the exam. This represents a score of at least 6/10.

  4. Here you will find everything you need to know about taking Level 1-3 exams with WSET School London, including what to do if you can’t sit an exam, how to book re-sits, and the results process.

  5. 2019年2月23日 · A selection of multiple choice quizzes to prepare students for the WSET Level 3 exam. Go on, test yourself!

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  7. WSET Level 3 Exam. Exam type: Written exam + blind taste test. Exam time: 2.5 hours (2 hours written test + 30 minutes Blind taste test) After completing the course and passing the exam, you will receive the WSET Level 3 certification and badge. Blind taste test section.

  8. WSET Level 3 高級証書課程專為資深葡萄酒熱愛者及餐飲管理人員而設, 課程深入每一個單元,全面分析並了解全球產區的各款葡萄酒風格,提高對葡萄酒及烈酒的品質分辨能力,豐富你的品評經驗,專業的品酒技巧,更能令你於社交及應酬中一展所長。. PROGRAMME ...

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