雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Promise provides self-employed people with low-interest personal loans, no income proof needed. In just a few simple steps, the cash will be available instantly without complicated process. Whether you are self-employed or an entrepreneur, applying for the Promise No-doc Loan will only require your ID card and mobile number.

  2. Institutions that provide short-term loan service are also few and far between, therefore we were hindered at the outset when we were unable to provide any income proof. Luckily, Promise self-employment loans concern the needs of individuals who are part-timers, do not have a fixed-employer, receive salaries in cash or are self-employed like me ...

  3. 一文睇清申請失業貸款條件. 更新日期 2022.04.22. 新冠疫情重創香港經濟,令失業率節節攀升。 政府為紓緩失業及無業人士面臨的財政壓力,再次推出「百分百擔保個人特惠貸款計劃」(失業貸款),讓失業及無業者借錢解決燃眉之急。 不過,是不是只要失業或無業就可以借錢? 失業無業人士在借錢之前,必先了解符合申請失業貸款計劃的各項條件及其他相關的注意事項。 失業貸款的申請資格及詳情. 自僱人士、自由職業者、散工或臨時工需注意事項. 失業貸款以外的周轉方法. 申請失業貸款有甚麼條件? 新一輪的失業貸款比以往優惠,申請人只需擁有有效銀行帳戶,及無破產申請或訴訟即可申請。

  4. Applicant must provide the following information: Information on HKID card, Residency information (e.g. phone number, address, etc.), Job information (e.g. company phone number, address, etc.), and Following documents are also required: Hong Kong ID card Bank

  5. It has never been easier! Learn More. Instant Personal Loan. Low-interest Debt Consolidation Loan. Tertiary Student Loan. No-doc Loan for Self-employed. Emergency Loan. Revolving Loan. Apply Now. The self-employed persons can apply for a Self-employed Personal Loan because no income proof is needed. Apply online and get approved instantly.

  6. Let's Go! 邦民應援團,為你全力放聲喝采! 新客戶成功貸款,獎現金高達$10,000 ! 立即 了解詳情 ! 立即網上申請. 貸款無需證明文件,為無憂喝采! 來邦民貸款,只需身份證及手提電話 # ,無論Freelancer或老闆都借得 ,免卻煩憂,現金輕鬆到手。 立即網上申請. 全城驚喜, 實際年利率低至1.12%! 邦民超低息貸款,助你輕鬆周轉,減省利息支出。 請即. 了解更多 詳情! 立即網上申請. Let's Go! 邦民應援團,為你全力放聲喝采! 新客戶成功貸款,獎現金高達$10,000 ! 立即 了解詳情 ! 立即網上申請. 貸款無需證明文件,為無憂喝采! 來邦民貸款,只需身份證及手提電話 # ,無論Freelancer或老闆都借得 ,免卻煩憂,現金輕鬆到手。

  7. 1. 預支薪金. 政府設有預支薪金機制,若果公務員因突發事故或意外,而導致意料不到的額外開支,可以向政府尋求協助,預支往後月份的薪金,以助解決資金周轉問題。 預支薪金後的還款機制,主要以分期攤還為基礎,於一定年期內從薪金扣除指定金額,以作還款用途。 若公務員在扣減款項完結之前離職,則需要立即連同有關利息在內,將未扣減的餘款一併清還。 而在上一次預支薪金後,尚未還清金額,則通常不獲准預支另一筆薪金。 詳情可參閱《公務員事務規例》第618至639條。 2. 員工濟急基金. 濟急基金一般為總薪級表第19點或以下薪酬的非紀律部隊人員以及第一標準薪級表的員工,提供應急經濟援助。 而符合以上資格的公務員,可以申請從基金撥出一筆款項作免息貸款,但總額不能超過港幣4,000元。