雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated ...

  2. 馬主:彭遠慶先生及夫人. 香港賽績:62戰12勝. 贏得獎金總額:45,125,289港元. 「原居民」是一匹愛爾蘭進口自購馬,出道後不久即在2400米賽事中奠定了超然地位。. 牠在港首季先後由兩位練馬師訓練,第二季轉投愛倫馬房,愛倫為當時的冠軍練馬師,在馬壇上享 ...

  3. 除網上投注服務「投注區」外,手機網上投注服務及PDA投注服務亦於今年1月中開始提供方便快捷的電子轉賬服務。用戶只需到裝有香港賽馬會電子轉賬終端機的指定場外投注處或馬場進行簡單登記,便可於以上投注渠道使用即時轉賬服務。 註:已登記香港賽馬會電子轉賬服務的「投注區」用戶 ...

  4. Review of Operations 業務回顧84 2009/10 Champion Awards 二 九 一 年度香港賽馬會冠軍人馬獎Horse of the Year 香港馬王 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Champion Sprinter 最佳短途馬 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Champion Miler 最佳一哩馬 Able One 步步穩 ...

  5. Connect with customer by team spirit Dept(s): Cashbet Name(s): Sally Lam, Eugene Chan, Ken Sin, Alex Chow, Gary Wong, Kevin Kwan, Annie Tung, Cheng Hing Fong, Hui Sik

  6. Kenneth Kwok was born in Japan, in Kobe where his Cantonese father owned a restaurant. His mother was Japanese. He first came to Hong Kong in 1937 and rode a winner in his very first race in Macau. He began riding in ...

  7. 馬主:劉錫康先生及夫人 香港賽績: 26戰12勝 「靚蝦王」凸顯了香港在國際馬壇上的地位,曾三度獲選為香港最受公眾歡迎馬匹,亦曾勝出日本最重要一哩賽事安田紀念賽(國際一級賽)。2000 ...