Official website for R. C. Lee Hall, University of Hong Kong 香港大學 利銘澤堂.
我希望畢業了的堂友會繼續回來幫忙,把自己擁有的經驗分享給即將入住的新生,從而將雅士精神承傳下去,讓利銘澤堂成為更大的家庭。 談到願景,只希望無論是新鮮人還是其他current大仙都樂意接受和珍惜舍堂給予的機會,從中豐富個人閱歷,學會反思 ...
Upholding our hall motto "Liberty with Responsibility, Unity in Diversity", we endeavour to provide HKU students with an excellent hall education though a multitude of activities. R. C. Lee is not just a place of accommodation but a holistic platform for students to explore their potential.
R.C. PRODUCTION | RC Lee Hall. One of uniqueness of R.C. Lee, is that we have our very own editorial board and RCTV that act as the official communication medium for the hall. They will regularly publish works for hallmates' entertainment and intellectual stimulation.
We believe R.C. Lee hall serves as a platform for intellectual exchange, and each and every hallmate plays an important role in facilitating that. Throughout the year, there are multiple hall activities that allow hallmates to bond and understand with one another.
CONTACT. More. R. C. Lee Hall. 6A, Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, HK Island, Hong Kong. Hall Email. SA Email: (852) 2986-5202.
At R. C. Lee, we provide 12 different sports team to hallmates to participate in interhall and league competitions throughout the year. While striving for excellence, we also see the process as an equally essential part of a hallmate's experience.
We are reminded of the virtue of giving and responsibility by exercising the knowledge we learnt and putting them into good use for the society. At R. C. Lee, one of the important avenue of hall education is to impart hallmates with a sense of social responsibilities.
At R. C. Lee, we offer opportunities for hallmates to develop their creativity and explore different artistic expressions. Our cultural teams will participate in various interhall competitions and performances, throughout which hallmates will be imbued with the passion and understanding to reach within themselves and the community.
在赤立閣裡, 並不是所有的時候都是熱鬧沸騰、驚心動魄,但縱使所有的事都很日常,你總會感覺到有一種不能言說的溫馨從心裡溢出。這幾年來的日子,我們好像都在失去中渡過, 因着疫情、因着各種猝不及防的離別、因着處於這個大疫時代的破碎城市,這個 ...