雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 頭暈心悸、手腳麻痺、尿頻失禁也是頸椎病誘發的常見症狀. 都市人上班久坐及長時間對著電腦,下班後低頭 滑手機 追劇看節目,在過去十年裡,患上頸椎病的數目持續增長,「低頭族」現象亦令 頸椎病 有年輕化趨勢,患者年齡分佈由16歲到96歲也有。 長時間低頭、不良的姿勢,都會造成頸椎過度的負擔,導致 勞損 及 退化。 「頸椎神經病變」有機會誘發一些常人未必聯想得到的症狀,包括 頭暈 頭痛、手腳麻痺、心悸、胃酸、驚恐症、情緒病、什至失禁,令病人難以察覺患上此病。 近年有不少患者有情緒病 / 抑鬱症的症狀,經常 情緒低落 和 易哭,看過家庭醫生和精神科醫生,吃過 精神科 的藥物後,症狀雖有改善,但卻未能完全根治。

  2. Stroke Rehabilitation. When stroke occurs, brain cells are damaged excessively and some of our brain function is lost. Stroke Rehabilitation should begin as soon as the patient’s medical condition has been stabilized. The first aim is to prevent such secondary problems as stiff joints, falls, bedsores and pneumonia.

  3. We are a medical group consists of experience registered nurses of neurosurgery training and experience neurosurgeons who subspecialized in skull base, spine and neurovascular surgery. For decades, we have been treating stroke patients and patients with other brain and spine problems in both public sector and private sector in Hong Kong.

  4. 腦血管動脈瘤 破裂,確實對生命造成極大的威脅。. 大部份的腦動脈瘤都極少有明顯的病徵症狀,近年也越來越多人在身體檢查時發現患有此病,如磁力共振(MRI),電腦掃描 (CT)等檢查方法。. 因此,預早防範和及時的診治是最為重要,健康生活習慣可保持血管 ...

  5. Within 8 hours. At our HK emergency stroke treatment centre, you may also have mechanical thrombectomy. It’s an innovative procedure aimed at reaching and removing the cause of your blockage. Performed through a catheter threaded in the groin area, it allows our neurosurgeons to break down the clot and fix the blood flow accurately.

  6. Prior stroke, TIA or heart attack — The risk of stroke for someone who has already had one is many times that of a person who has not. If you’ve had a heart attack, you’re at higher risk of having a stroke, too. What stroke risk factors can be changed treated or controlled?

  7. Within 8 hours. At our HK emergency stroke treatment centre, you may also have mechanical thrombectomy. It’s an innovative procedure aimed at reaching and removing the cause of your blockage. Performed through a catheter threaded in the groin area, it allows our neurosurgeons to break down the clot and fix the blood flow accurately.

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