若選擇預設指定日期、每月或每週付款,付款到期日必須為付款設置日期後至少4 個工作日(只限星期一至五,公眾假期除外) (「工作天」)。 若選擇預設指定日期、每月或每週付款,付款到期日則為付款設置日。
於App內按幾下即可從其他銀行轉錢入戶口. 按下檔案連結下載安卓安裝檔 (APK). 我們建議您經常瀏覽我們的網頁及主動更新, 以確保您的手機擁有最新版本的Citi Mobile ® App。. 如您遇到任何可疑下載的程序, 請切勿嘗試登入, 立刻停止操作或盡快與本行職員查詢 ...
步驟 1. 步驟 2. 步驟 3. 於 Citi Handy Cash 的頁面,點按「立即申請」. 填妥您的基本資料、個人資料和就業資料。. 如符合所需條件,您將收到批核結果. 步驟 4. 步驟 5.
透過Citibank個人網上理財服務,您只需動動指頭,即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.
1. Login to the Citi Mobile® App and select “Citi PayAll” 2. Make a new payment by choosing the purpose of payment for the relevant merchant list or choose from the list of saved merchant payees directly. 3. Select your payment frequency.
From November 9, 2020 till February 28, 2021, earn up to HK$600 Spending Rebate by paying Salaries Tax online with your Citi Mastercard® and making designated spending. What’s more, earn an extra up to HK$300 Spending Rebate by turning the related tax payment transaction into easy installments. Enjoy total rebate up to HK$900!
To apply for Citi Handy Cash, you will need to fulfill the following requirements: • Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above. • In full-time employment with present employer for at least 3 months. • Monthly salary of HK$6,000 or above.