梁子庚藝 YÌ 餐厅的蓑衣黄瓜配响螺将黄瓜巧妙地切成薄片,佐以醒人心脾的油醋汁和响螺。 与其搭配一壶惯常的茶水,梁子庚更希望并建议食客在用餐时配以一瓶红酒或鸡尾酒,再配上他的特色下酒菜。
与其搭配一壶惯常的茶水,梁子庚更希望并建议食客在用餐时配以一瓶红酒或鸡尾酒,再配上他的特色下酒菜。. 他相信,这种搭配能激发出家常菜所蕴含的群体性活力,鼓励人们进行暖心的交谈。. Specially curated to present lost masterpieces to ancient Chinese provincial dishes ...
梁子庚藝 YÌ 餐厅为您带来一个沉浸式的旅程,将您引入一个全新的中华美食世界。 菜单是有意为之的简约。 在一个现代美食近在咫尺并悠哉闲哉的环境里,让您忘了时间。 Book a reservation at 藝 yì by Jereme Leung.
Located in Raffles Singapore, yì restaurant offers a modern twist to traditional Chinese cuisine. Indulge in artisanal dishes by Chef Jereme Leung.
The Hundred-ring Cucumber with Sea Whelk at 藝 yì by Jereme Leung is skillfully sliced and served with refreshing vinaigrette and sea whelk. Unlike a pot of customary tea, Jereme prefers and encourages guests to pair their meals with a bottle of wine or a cocktail, together with his signature drinking snacks.
品尝诸如精致点心拼盘和美味牛颊、牛筋、牛尾、高粱酒和红酒等招牌美食。. 只需在您打算到酒店取餐的 45 分钟前点餐,之后就让我们屡屡获奖的厨师为您备餐。. Book a reservation at 藝 yì by Jereme Leung. Located at 328 North Bridge Road, #03-02 Raffles Arcade, Singapore, 050335, SG.
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