雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年12月4日 · 1. 謝謝你提醒我們注意。 (X)Thank you for bringing this to our notice. (O)Thank you for BRING this to our ATTENTION. 2. 我寫信想表達我對於我對此事的不滿。 (X)I’m writing to show my dissatisfaction regarding this issue. (O)I’m writing to EXPRESS my DISSATISFACTION regarding this issue. 3. 如果你需要進一步協助,請讓我知道。 (X)Please let me know if you require extra assistance.

  2. 反應很快的英文怎說? 就是fast on the draw! 例:那個小男生反應很快,不管主持人問什麼,他都對答如流。 The little boy was fast on the draw. He answered all the questions asked by the host. 28. 3 comments. 2 shares. Like. Comment. Most relevant. Ru Xing Shu. 剛好看到哈哈. 2. 3y. 反應很快的英文怎說? 就是fast on the draw! 例:那個小男生反應很快,不管主持人問什麼,他都對答如流。 The little boy was fast on the draw.

  3. quick on the uptake 形容智力的反應快或理解力好或學習力強,而 reflexes 就表示人的肢體反應,指天生動作的反應速度,是非故意的。

  4. 思路敏捷的,敏锐的,机敏的,反应的 sī lù mǐn jié de ,mǐn ruì de ,jī mǐn de ,fǎn yìng kuài de. TC. Traditional Chinese. 敏銳的,機敏的,反應快的. Kelsey has a nimble mind that will do well in academia. 有所遗漏?. 报告错误或提出改进建议. 标题中含有单词 '思路敏捷的 ...

  5. QUICK翻譯:的,迅速的;短暫的, (做…)的, 反應快的;敏捷的, 快點!(用於督促某人做某事), (同 quickly), 指甲下的肉。 了解更多。 詞典

  6. reactions [ plural ] someone's ability to act quickly when something happens. (對突發事件的)反應能力,反應靈敏度. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. 玩這些電腦遊戲要反應靈敏。 [ C usually singular ] a type of behaviour or opinion that is produced or held with the intention of being different from something else. 反對;抗拒;對抗.

  7. 反應快英文翻譯: know how many beans make five…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋反應快英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯反應快,反應快的英語例句用法和解釋。

  8. 反應迅速】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:have a swift response。漢英詞典提供【反應迅速】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  9. reactiveuk/riˈæk.tɪv/us/riˈæk.tɪv/adjective. reacting to events or situations rather than acting first to change or prevent something: Unfortunately, the police have dealt with the problem of car theft in a reactive rather than a proactive way.不幸的是,員警應付汽車盜竊案的方式只是發生一宗調查一宗,而不是 ...

  10. 假如我們以10毫秒更短的時間代替,之后我們就能以更的速度對即時刺激做出快速反應,像是潛在威脅。 if it were instead much faster, say 10 milliseconds, then we could react much more quickly to incoming stimuli, such as potential threats.