雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 買一手樓懶人包. 一手住宅物業銷售監管局貼圖. 一手住宅物業銷售條例及一手住宅物業銷售監管局簡介. 一手住宅物業買家須知. 給準買家的提醒. 常見問答. 個案分享. 給業界的有用資訊:. 一手住宅物業銷售條例.

  2. 本網站載有從第三者取得的資料,尤其是本網站內各發展項目的售樓說明書、價單和成交紀錄冊的資料,是由受《一手住宅物業銷售條例》(香港法例第621章)(〝條例〞)規管的發展項目的住宅物業賣方(〝賣方〞)提供,或由代表賣方的人士提供。

  3. 2024年5月20日 · For Prospective Purchasers:. A Dummies Guide to Buying First-hand Residential Properties. SRPA Stickers. Introduction of Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (the Ordinance) and Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority. Notes to Purchasers.

  4. 包括售樓說明書、價單、載有銷售安排的文件,及成交紀錄冊。 ‧發展項目的售樓說明書,會在緊接該項目的出售日期前最少 七日內向公眾發布,而有關價單和銷售安排,亦會在緊接

  5. 售樓說明書 (sales brochure) 就發展項目或發展項目的某一期而言,指— (a) 根據第15(1)或(2)條為該項目或該期擬備的刊物;或 (b) (凡該刊物曾根據第17(2)條修改)經最近一次修改的該刊物; 控權公司 (holding company) 指《公司條例》(第32章)所指的控股公司;

  6. Cap 621 - Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance 2land to supervise the construction of the development; or (b) in relation to any other development or a phase of any other development, means an authorized person who is appointed under section 4(1

  7. 给准买家的有用资讯 :. 买一手楼懒人包. 一手住宅物业销售监管局贴图. 一手住宅物业销售条例及一手住宅物业销售监管局简介. 一手住宅物业买家须知. 给准买家的提醒. 常见问答. 个案分享. 给业界的有用资讯 :.

  8. 2021年8月31日 · The above request for permission from the SRPA shall be addressed to “The Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority, Unit E, 31/F, E-trade Plaza, 24 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong”. Permission (the “Permission”) is granted for you to download the Government copyright protected materials herein to store them in local ...

  9. www.srpe.gov.hk › opip › downloadwww.srpe.gov.hk


  10. The Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (the Ordinance) (Cap. 621) came into effect on 29 April 2013. The Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority (the SRPA) commenced operation on 29 April 2013. We wish to let prospective purchasers of first-hand residential properties know in what way the Ordinance and the SRPA ...