雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 恒生Olive Wellness App. 恒生Olive Wellness App作為你健康拍檔,提供各種健康服務、資訊及小工具,協助你管理健康及財富。 Olive會員FUN分都有賞! 完成不同健康任務即可賺取Olive積分,更可將Olive積分兌換成+FUN Dollars/精選禮品,為你健康加FUN。 擁有更好健康獲取更多積分,fit住兌換+FUN Dollars/精選禮品,健康及財富同時兼得。 直接免費升級成為Olive VIP會員可享高達 港幣50美心電子飲食禮券(1) Olive「隨印隨賞」FinFit計劃. 獎賞加碼,Olive全新「隨印隨賞」印花兌換功能登場! 只要登入Olive完成指定理財健康任務即賞你印花,集齊指定印花數量解鎖不同印花咭,可換領精彩獎品 (2) !

  2. 「轉數快」/「本地同業撥賬CHATS」支取錯誤入賬金額授權書

  3. 買賣指示處理狀況示範 - Hang Seng Bank

  4. 有期存款提取/修改指示表格 - Hang Seng Bank

  5. square bracket 4. The service is applicable to all street-level branches (except MTR station office and mobile branch) with relevant disclaimers applied. Hang Seng Bank offers a wide array of financial services including online banking, savings, investment, credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance, and MPF.

  6. 2822 0228。. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS, “ √ ” where appropriate, return the completed form with a copy of your ID document either (1) by visiting any of our branches, or (2) by mail to Hang Seng Bank Ltd at GPO Box 3013, Hong Kong. You may use Voice ID to register account transfer via Phone Banking.

  7. 請用正楷填寫,在適當方格內加上“ √ ” 及刪除不適用者*,填妥表格後交回本銀行任何一間分行,或郵寄至以下地址。. 如有其他疑問,請致電 2198 8000 與本行服務員聯絡。. 香港九龍旺角亞皆老街113 號恒生113 16樓 - BOS WCAS. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS, “ √ ” where ...