小四英文練習tense 相關
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- Present tense。
- Past tense。+15。
- Future tense。+1。
- Preposition of time。+1。
2024年5月16日 · 每冊有26個英文文法練習及3份模擬試卷,每週溫習一項重點文法,鞏固小朋友文 法知識,內容涵蓋小學英文科所有必學文法,設有英文文法解釋,快捷重溫文法重點,題型多元化,包括填充、配對、重寫句子、句子寫作、找錯處等等,全面提升小朋 友英語能力。
This worksheet (with pictures) contains 5 parts of exercises on present simple, past simple, present continuous, present perfect and future tenses. It help students further distinguish the differences among the use of these tenses. An answer key is provided.
- 小四英文練習。如果你因為找不到練習而煩惱,如果你想透過不同的語法知識與練習題目去令英文能力有所提升。那麼,你就一定要做做看這篇文章的題目。小四英文會講及的文法內容已經全部包含,隨便你做!
- Simple present tense 練習。Questions。Complete the following sentences in the simple present tense
- Present continuous tense 練習。Questions。Complete the following sentences in the present continuous tense
- Simple past tense 練習。Questions。Complete the following sentences in the simple past tense
2021年7月26日 · 小四英文. 1. Comparatives and Superlative adjectives. Comparative adjectives compare one person or thing with another and enable us to say whether a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality. e.g. Sam is taller than Harry.
於小學英文練習專區內,設有Simple present tenses練習 / Tenses練習,Prepositions練習等,以增強及鞏固學生對英文語法及修辭的應用。 除此之外,Thinka附有小學英文練習下載功能,即使於線下,亦能隨時隨地學習英語。