雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 字詞:履行,注音:ㄌㄩˇ ㄒㄧㄥˊ,釋義:1.行走。 《史記.卷一二六.滑稽列傳.褚少孫補衛青》:「誰能履行雪中,令人視之,其上履也,其履下處乃似人足者乎!

  2. 基本釋義. [perform;fulfill; implement] 實行職責. 履行契約. 履行職責. 詳細釋義. 行走。 《莊子·天道》:“ 士成綺 鴈行避影,履行遂進而問:‘修身若何? ’”《史記·滑稽列傳》:“誰能履行雪中,令人視之,其上履也,其履下處乃似人足者乎? ”《隋書·禮儀志六》:“清廟崇嚴,既絶恒禮,凡有履行者,應皆跣韈。 指巡行、巡視。 《東觀漢記·曹褒傳》:“﹝ 褒 ﹞在射聲,營舍有停棺不葬者百餘所, 褒 親自履行,問其意。 ”《晉書·朱序傳》:“初, 苻丕 之來攻也, 序 母 韓 自登城履行,謂西北角當先受弊。 ” 宋 司馬光 《贈衛尉少卿司馬府君墓表》:“府君履行祖墓之西,相地為新墓。 實行;執行。

  3. the act of doing or performing something, especially in a planned way: Sometimes in the execution of their duty the police have to use firearms. 有時為了履行職責,員警不得不使用武器。 make good phrase. When someone makes good something, they either pay for it, or make it happen. My uncle owed thousands, but eventually he made good on all of his debts.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 解釋. 1.行走。. 《史記.卷一二六.滑稽列傳.褚少孫補衛青》:「誰能 履行 雪中,令人視之,其上履也,其履下處乃似人足者乎!. 2.實行,執行。. 如:「履行 契約」、「履行 諾言」。. 《後漢書.卷七八.宦者列傳.呂強》:「儲君副主,宜諷誦斯言 ...

  6. 解释. 履行 lǚxíng. [perform;fulfill; implement] 实行职责. 履行契约. 履行职责. -----------------. 英语 to fulfill (one's obligations) , to carry out (a task) , to implement (an agreement) , to perform.

  7. 履行的意思:履行拼音、注音、读音是lǚ xíng,履行的解释和含义、引申、语意、概念、寓意、释义、用法.

  8. the act of doing or performing something, especially in a planned way: Sometimes in the execution of their duty the police have to use firearms. 有时为了履行职责,警察不得不使用武器。 make good phrase. When someone makes good something, they either pay for it, or make it happen. My uncle owed thousands, but eventually he made good on all of his debts.