雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hau Wong refers to Yeung Leung-jit(楊亮節), a loyal follower and a marquis of the last Emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty who fled with the royal family to Kowloon driven by the Mongols. Others believe that the temple was built in memory of a villager surnamed Yeung who had cured the Emperor of the Southern Song of an illness when the ...

  2. 華人廟宇委員會(委員會),是根據香港法例第153章《華人廟宇條例》于1928年成立的法定機構。委員會的主要職能是管理轄下24間廟宇,當中6間為法定古跡,包括大坑蓮花宮、鴨脷洲洪聖古廟、九龍城侯王古廟、大澳楊侯古廟及灣仔玉虛宮(北帝廟)和西貢佛堂門天后古廟。

  3. The Chinese Temples Committee (the Committee) is a statutory body established in 1928 in accordance with the Chinese Temples Ordinance (Chapter 153). One of its functions is to operate and manage 24 directly administered temples, of which 6 of them are Declared Monuments, namely Lin Fa Kung in Tai Hang, Hung Shing Temple in Ap Lei Chau, Hau Wong Temple in Kowloon City, Yeung Hau Temple in Tai ...

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  4. Hau Wong Temple in Kowloon City is the only temple in Kowloon dedicated to worship of Hau Wong as the main deity. Judging from the inscription on the old bell placed inside the temple, it is believed that the temple was probably built in 1730 or earlier, i.e. over 290 years ago. The temple was declared a monument in 2014.

  5. 紅磡觀音廟建於同治十二年(1873),先後於光緒十五年及宣統二年重修。據稱在1909年,政府擬開路貫通紅磡與九龍城及尖沙咀的交通,工人在山區掘地的時候,忽然有紅色水柱自地底射出,謠傳是工人掘傷龍脈,工人因此不敢繼續工作,其後驗出是地下水銀與琉璜造成的紅色水;工人猶有懼色 ...

  6. 二十四孝 聞雷泣墓 - 魏晉年間的王裒,十分孝順,父親王儀被晉臣司馬昭殺害,他隱居以教書為,終身不面向西坐,表示永不作晉臣。母親懼怕打雷的聲響,死後埋葬在山林中,每當風雨天打雷的時候,王裒就立即跑到母親墳前跪拜,哭著安慰母親說:「裒兒正在這裡,請母親不要害怕。」

  7. 红磡观音庙建于同治十二年,先后于光绪十五年及宣统二年重修。据称在1909年,政府拟开路贯通红磡与九龙城及尖沙咀的交通,工人在山区掘地的时候,忽然有红色水柱自地底射出,谣传是工人掘伤龙脉,工人因此不敢继续工作,其后验出是地下水银与琉璜造成的红色水;工人犹有惧色,于是集资 ...