雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. the common cold; cold; head cold
    • 2. to catch a cold

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  2. 2019年9月1日 · 感冒的英文是cold,不過跟感冒相關的英文單字可是多著呢! 與cold相似的另外一個英文單字則是flu,flu是流感的意思,而一般的感冒,我們通常只稱作cold。 下面整理了感冒 (cold)相關英文單字與例句,趕快學起來吧! 文章目錄. 1. cold 感冒. 2.感冒症狀相關英文單字. 3.其他感冒英文單字與說法. 1. cold 感冒. 感冒的英文是cold。 例:I’ve got a cold. 我著涼了。 例:He caught a cold at school. 他在學校感冒了。 2.感冒症狀相關英文單字. 如果你去看醫生的話,醫生可能會問你的感冒症狀。 例:What are your symptoms? 你的症狀是什麼? 常見感冒症狀的英文單字有: back hurts 背痛.

  3. 今年的流感來得有點厲害,那麼感冒生病了,如何用英文來表達身體不適以及英文描述症狀呢? 只會用catch a cold表達感冒?更多英文表達讓你瞬間高大上! 用英文如何表達自己身體不舒服:

  4. 2017年1月3日 · 那該怎麼用英文向醫生描述感冒症狀呢?我們可以用簡單的「I have… / I feel...」句型來描述,例如: Doctor, I have a runny nose, and I keep coughing and sneezing. (醫生,我會流鼻水,而且我一直咳嗽和打噴嚏。) I'm not feeling well. I have the chills and

  5. an illness such as a cold that is not serious, but that the person who has it treats as more serious, usually when this person is a man: John has a touch of man flu and he won't get out of bed. 约翰有点轻微感冒,但他自以为得了大病,不肯起床。.

  6. an illness such as a cold that is not serious, but that the person who has it treats as more serious, usually when this person is a man: John has a touch of man flu and he won't get out of bed. 約翰有點輕微感冒,但他自以為得了大病,不肯起床。.

  7. 1、catch a clod 感冒得流感或者可以说have a cold、have the flu以及上文提到过的come down with a cold。 例句: I came down with a cold just before my vacation started, so I had to cancel my trip.

  8. an illness such as a cold that is not serious, but that the person who has it treats as more serious, usually when this person is a man: John has a touch of man flu and he won't get out of bed. 約翰有點輕微感冒,但他自以為得了大病,不肯起床。.

  9. 英语 中文 cold n (common virus: head cold) (病症) SC Simplified Chinese 感冒,伤风 gǎn mào ,shāng fēng You can tell Simon has a cold because his nose is bright red. 西蒙的鼻子红通通的,一看就知道他感冒了。 sweat sth out vtr phrasal sep

  10. 在其他语言中. 感冒. 英式英语: cold / kəʊld / NOUN. When you have a cold, you sneeze and cough a lot, and you have a sore throat. 美式英语: cold / ˈkoʊld / 阿拉伯语: زُكَام. 巴西葡萄牙语: resfriado. 简体中文: 感冒. 克罗地亚语: prehlada. 捷克语: nachlazení. 丹麦语: forkølelse. 荷兰语: verkoudheid. 欧洲西班牙语: resfriado. 芬兰语: kylmyys. 法语: rhume. 德语: Kälte. 希腊语: κρύο. 意大利语: raffreddore. 日语: 寒さ. 韩语: 추위

  11. 2021年12月20日 · 你知道怎麼用英文表達感冒嗎? 除了sick之外,還有什麼樣的說法呢? 接下來小編準備了常用的8種用法,讓你聽起來又道地又不怕重複! 1. on the mend. mend是修理的意思,而在正在修理中用在身體狀況時, 便是形容正在康復的路上,逐漸好轉! 例句: Where is Sara? It has been a long time since last time I saw her. Sara去哪裡了? 已經有好一陣子沒有看到她了。 Oh, she had a car accident last week. But don’t worry. She is on the mend. 噢,她上禮拜出車禍了,但是別擔心,她正在康復中。 2. green around the gills.

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