2021年7月23日 · 1. 扼要慰問、表示同理心. 「I'm sorry for your loss. 我為你的憾事感到抱歉。 」雖然這句話陳腔濫調,但它也是表達同理心的簡單方式,可以讓他知道你在乎。 「This must be so hard for you. 這對你來說一定很難。 」表達同理心是非常令人安慰的,可以幫助失去親人的人感到不那麼孤單。 2. 分享對往生者的有趣回憶、獨特特質、說你也會想念他們. 如果你認識往生者,提及逝者的大名表示尊重當事人的悼念,可以分享你喜歡逝者的部分或一段美好的回憶「He/she was a wonderful person. 他/她是一個很棒的人。 」、「I will miss him/her. 我會想念他/她。
2017年7月19日 · 正式但沒那麼親近的人:condolences慰問、sympathy吊唁 1.I am writing to express my sincere condolences on the death of your (husband/wife/mother…)來信給(某人)獻上最誠摯的慰問
2023年6月16日 · 1. Wishing you a speedy recovery. 祝你早日康復。 2. I’m sorry you feel so bad. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. 我很抱歉聽到你生病的消息,如果有甚麼我可以幫忙的,請務必告訴我。 3. Feel better soon! 很快就會好起來! 4. I pray you return to full health very soon. 願你可以很快恢復健康。 5. Praying for an easy recovery. 但願你早日康復。 6. You can call me whenever you need anything.
「祝福死者英文」提供了實用的指南,讓你可以用得體且真誠的方式表達慰問與支持。 從簡單的「I'm sorry for your loss. 」表達同理心,到分享對逝者的美好回憶,例如「He/she was a wonderful person.
2010年7月26日 · 節哀順便 英文. 遇到有人過逝的時候,英文的表達哀悼之意的說法大多有. I'm sorry to hear that.之外. I am so sorry for your lost, please send my best regards to your family. My condolcences... My deepest condolences to you and your family.... It seems impossible to speak of any consolation in the face of such a bitter loss.
2024年3月19日 · 【表達適宜的慰問句子】 Whether you need a shoulder to lean on or a friend to cry with or even to get angry and yell, I am here for you. 無論你需要一個可以依靠的肩膀,或需要一個可以陪伴你哭泣的朋友,甚至陪伴你生氣或大喊大叫,我都在。 I just want you to know that I am available any time. I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now, and I would love to help in any way that I can.
making or intended to make someone feel better when they are sad or disappointed: There's something very consoling about being with friends who understand what you're going through. 和理解自己感受的朋友在一起是非常令人欣慰的事。 offer/send your sympathies phrase formal. to express your sadness to someone because a relation or friend of theirs has recently died: