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    • 1. range hood
    • 2. kitchen exhaust hood

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  2. a device above a cooker that consists of a cover with anextractor fan inside: We have an extractor hood over the cooker. How can I get it really clean of grease? 我們在煮食爐上方裝了抽油煙機。 怎樣才能把裏面的油脂清理幹凈呢? oven hood uk / ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/ us / ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/ noun UK. a device above a cooker that consists of a cover with anextractor fan inside:

  3. Many translated example sentences containing "抽油煙機" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  4. a device above a cooker that consists of a cover with anextractor fan inside: We have an extractor hood over the cooker. How can I get it really clean of grease? 我們在煮食爐上方裝了抽油煙機。 怎樣才能把裏面的油脂清理幹凈呢? oven hood uk / ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/ us / ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/ noun UK. a device above a cooker that consists of a cover with anextractor fan inside:

  5. 【抽油煙機】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:smoke exhaust ventilator抽油煙機;kitchen ventilator抽油煙機; 排風扇;。 漢英詞典提供【抽油煙機】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  6. How can I get it really clean of grease? 我們在煮食爐上方裝了抽油煙機。 怎樣才能把裏面的油脂清理幹凈呢? oven hood uk / ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/ us / ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/ noun UK. a device above a cooker that consists of a cover with anextractor fan inside: These ovens require no outside venting or oven hoods. 這些烤箱不需要外部通風或抽油煙機。 range hood / ˈreɪndʒ ˌhʊd/ / ˈreɪndʒ ˌhʊd/ noun US.

  7. 抽油煙機英文翻譯: kitchen ventilator…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋抽油煙機英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯抽油煙機,抽油煙機的英語例句用法和解釋。

  8. 吸油烟机 (又稱 抽油煙機 、 排油煙機 、 油煙機 )是一种内含机械风扇,悬挂在厨房炉灶或灶台上方的装置,通过抽空和过滤从空气中去除空气中的油脂、烟雾、热量和蒸汽。. 油烟 是 食用油 遇高温气化、分解的气体和 气溶胶 ,现代化学认为含有多种 致癌 ...

  9. 抽油煙機 range hood. range 有很多意思,常見的有:排、行、幅度、範圍…, 但在這邊的意思是「爐子」,其同義字有 stove。 hood 的意思是:(衣服上的)兜帽、 (汽車的)車蓋、罩子,

  10. 油煙機 (又稱 抽油煙機排油煙機油煙機 )是一種內含機械風扇,懸掛在廚房爐灶或灶台上方的裝置,通過抽空和過濾從空氣中去除空氣中的油脂、煙霧、熱量和蒸汽。. 油煙 是 食用油 遇高溫氣化、分解的氣體和 氣溶膠 ,現代化學認為含有多種 致癌 ...

  11. 例句與用法. The design of intellectualized range hood controller. 智能化吸 油煙機 控制器的設計. Particular requirements for range hoods. 吸 油煙機 的特殊要求. Usage : used for smoke - sucked and smoke - discharged machine of many types. 用途:用于各種類型的吸排 油煙機

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