雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年3月18日 · Pensions in Japan can be confusing. Even for long-term residents, it’s hard to be sure who has to contribute, how much you have to pay, when you can receive benefits and how much you can get back if you leave Japan. We’ve prepared a basic pension guide to help you out!

  2. 2019年4月17日 · Option 1: iDeCo. For those planning to be in Japan for the long term, and pay both nenkin and income tax, one simple option for preparing for retirement is opening an iDeCo account. iDeCo accounts were created by the government to encourage individuals to save and invest their hard-earned cash for retirement.

  3. 失業津貼是日文名稱為「失業手当」 (也稱作基本手当),是雇用保險中的最容易拿到的津貼。 申請條件. ① 有積極求職意願,可馬上工作的狀態. 補充:如果因懷孕或育嬰離職的話,可等到能就職時再申請 (可延長3年)。 若因傷病而離職領取的津貼為「傷病津貼」,詳情可搜尋「傷病手当」。 ② 在離職日的前兩年以內,有加入雇用保險至少12個月以上. 例外:非自願離職的情況為在離職日前1年內,加入6個月以上. 申請流程. 一、 攜帶以下文件至離住處最近的公共職業安定所ハローワーク (Hello Work),確認申請資格及失業津貼登記。 ① 離職票. ② 雇用保險被保險者證. ③ 印章. ④ 身分證件 (在留卡等) ⑤ 證件照兩張(3x2.5 cm) ⑥ 銀行帳戶存摺.

  4. 2019年9月30日 · 根據2018年日本單身上班族的收支調查來看假設每個月的平均花費的16萬日幣都以可集點的電子消費或信用卡為中心在不計算雙重甚至是三重累積點數的情況下那麼光是一年的點數累積就有19,200點了若平常有在幫親友團代購的話那麼點數累積的速度真的不容小覷加上若是善用日本商家經常舉辦10倍20倍點數回饋活動一年下來想累積超過10 萬點數都是很有可能的。 累積下來的點數除了可折抵日常生活的消費外,特派員最喜歡的點數兌換方式其實是換成「哩程數」。 剛剛我們粗估一年可累積的點數約為2萬點,相當於台灣日本往返機票所需的1.5~2萬哩程數,就算在點數交換的過程中多少會損失一些點數,但仔細算一下一年的消費所累積的點數,在不知不覺中就能換到台日往返機票,是不是就有一點動力想努力集點了呢?

  5. 2018年10月17日 · Check out our 2018 Autumn Foliage Forecast to plan the perfect place and time to make the most of this colorful season. Seasonality is an important part of life in Japan, and so fall is a pretty big deal. Generally speaking the foliage season (called koyo ・紅葉) lasts from late September until mid December, as it travels from Hokkaido and ...

  6. 2016年4月27日 · One might say that Golden Week is truly golden, because not only do students get a bit of vacation time, but it’s actually the longest vacation period of the year for many Japanese employees, making it a highly anticipated holiday for families residing in Japan. The key dates are April 29 (Showa Day), May 3 (Constitution Memorial Day), May 4 ...

  7. 2023年11月30日 · The information in this article is correct as of October 2018. Please note that things such as eligibility requirements and the application process may change, so check with your local Japanese Embassy before applying for a working holiday visa.

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