雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Catch a ride on the amphibious DUCK tours and experience the exhilarating "SPLASH" while taking in the picturesque views of the iconic city skyline and the Marina Bay. Join a Singapore City Tour at your own pace, however you want it, with an unlimited Hop-On Hop-Off Singapore day pass on our Big Bus Tours open top buses.

  2. Ride the one and only wacky DUCK and embark on a unique city and harbour sightseeing tour in Singapore. More than a tour, it’s 60 minutes of full-on thrill where you go on a voyage to discover the past, present and possibly the future.

  3. 新加坡摩天觀景輪、濱海灣花園、濱海灣金沙酒店、國家美術館、國家博物館、烏節路、高島屋百貨等,帶你輕鬆踩點,玩遍新加坡! 經過市政區的歷史地標

  4. 乘坐水陸兩棲交通工具,在專業導遊的帶領下游覽新加坡 從市政廳到濱海灣,途經城市熱門景點 在陸地上行駛,然後駛入水中 — 在這次旅行中,您可以去任何地方 在這次城市之旅中瞭解更多關於新加坡的文化和歷史,這必將開闊您的視野

  5. 踏上新加坡原創DUCKtour遊覽的冒險之旅。. 搭乘獨特的水陸兩棲鴨子船,穿越在新加坡的非凡、充滿驚奇的陸地及海上冒險。. 在 KKday 預訂,享受獨家特別的 Ducktours價格!.

  6. 最棒的方式游览新加坡市区!新加坡船长探索水陆两栖鸭子船游览,一次性游览新加坡的众多地标性建筑,体验水陆两种游览方式的奇妙乐趣!陆上游览会途经国会大厦、高等法庭和政府大厦等标志性建筑,导游生动有趣的介绍,让一小时的旅程充满欢乐。

  7. Ride the Original wacky DUCK, then tour Singapore with the Hop-on Hop-off tours. Suntec City Mall, Tower 2. 60mins on DUCK / 1 day on Big Bus Tours Singapore. Splendid city view from the waters and cruise along key sites through the Civic District on-board the DUCK.

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