雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Mary was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Hong Kong and Greater China & North Asia in August 2024. She sits on the Group Management Team, the Board of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and is the Chairperson of the Board of Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited.

  2. Standard Chartered is one of the oldest foreign banks in China. Since the set up of the first branch in 1858, the Bank has been offering uninterrupted services with its global banking expertise to China, starting from Shanghai and Hong Kong, and extending to cover the whole China including GBA.

  3. 6 天前 · 渣打銀行自1859年在香港開展業務,現為香港三家發鈔銀行之一。. 渣打銀行於2004年7月1日完成在香港註冊的程序,並將銀行在香港分行的業務注入於在香港註冊的渣打集團全資附屬公司 — 渣打銀行 (香港) 有限公司旗下。. 渣打是一個具領導地位的國際銀行集團 ...

  4. 我们的历史. 渣打是根植中国历史最悠久的国际性银行之一。. 自1858年起,渣打将运营国际银行的专业引进中国。. 从上海和香港开始,逐步覆盖全国包括粤港澳大湾区城市。. 集团分别在伦敦和香港上市,凭借着超过160年在香港积累的国际视野,渣打不单是香港 ...

  5. 渣打國際商業銀行董事長(理事主席)、總經理(局長)或三分之一以上董(理)事發生變動公告. 渣打集團是領先的國際性銀行,跨足全球近六十個最蓬勃發展的市場。 我們的使命在於透過我們獨特的多元性,推動商業發展和促進繁榮,並且讓我們的傳統和價值透過品牌承諾-一心做好,始終如一,一一展現。

  6. Our story bears testament to the vision of our founders, spanning centuries and continents. 1853 James Wilson helps found the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China under a royal charter from Queen Victoria. 1862 John Paterson leads a consortium of businessmen to form the Standard Bank of British South Africa.

  7. 2024年10月25日 · Better together. We create an inclusive culture where each person is valued, working together for a sustainable world. Our purpose. ‘To drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity’ together with our brand promise: to be ‘here for good’ are achieved by how we each live our valued behaviours.