雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 始創於室町時代(1520)的日本甜點老舖「虎屋」,在明治2年(1869),伴隨著明治天皇遷都,也將本店由京都搬到了東京。自此,甜點製作工藝越發精進,逐漸成了高級日式甜點品牌中的翹楚。虎屋的招牌甜點是華人們都相當熟悉的「栗羊羹」。這裡的「栗羊羹」無論在形色還是食感上,都獨樹一幟。

  2. 2019年8月14日 · 實際上嵐山觀光小火車 (嵯峨野観光鉄道)是從龜岡站 (亀岡駅)開始的,一共只有四個車站,分別是龜岡、保津峽、嵐山和嵯峨嵐山四個站,我們必須先搭乘山陰本線到馬堀站然後走路步行大概10分鐘才能到龜岡站,這邊值得注意的是,JR山陰本線也有一個龜岡站 ...

  3. 將忠靈塔富士山和櫻花海納入同一景框的機會實在難得毫無疑問參觀這裏時拿起相機猛拍幾張是很有必要的 (4月中旬)。. 忠靈塔的正式名稱為「富士吉田紀念碑」,是1958年時為了安撫第一次世界大戰的亡靈而建造,屬於新倉山淺間公園的一部分。. 對這個 ...

  4. 2017年11月1日 · A short walk from Kanazawa Castle is the Nagamachi Samurai District (Nagamachi Buke Yashiki), a well-preserved area where the samurai of Kanazawa once lived. It's a wonderful place to soak up the atmosphere of feudal Japan and the samurai age with narrow, winding streets lined with traditional mud-tiled walls and old samurai houses.

  5. 2016年9月15日 · There are two main types of shochu: otsurui (乙類) and korui (甲類). Otsurui shochu is distilled only once and often consumed by itself, given the stronger smell and flavor. Korui shochu, on the other hand, is distilled multiple times, making it nearly tasteless and perfect for cocktails. Otsurui shochu is also called honkaku shochu (本格 ...

  6. 2018年11月5日 · Jimbocho is a historical, book-centric district in central Tokyo. Though it's best known as a haven for bibliophiles, the surrounding areas are brimming with an eclectic mix of outlets. From books and music to theater and visual arts, Jimbocho has become one of most fascinating districts in Japan's vibrant capital city. All About Jimbocho.

  7. 2018年1月17日 · Namakura Gatana, a silent short anime from 1917, is regarded as the oldest piece of Japanese animation with a surviving print, and using it as a starting point for the medium, makes anime 100 years old. In celebration, the Association of Japanese Animations has released a 15-minute video that looks back on landmark Japanese animated works. In ...