雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 投資是甚麼?. 簡單來說,投資就是一個資本或資源分配的過程,在理想的情況下,它可以為您帶來收入,或隨時間升值。. 長遠而言,投資所帶來的投資回報率(ROI),很大機會比您將資金存放在儲蓄戶口的回報高。. 不過,凡事都沒有絕對的保證,因為投資 ...

  2. 我們提供獨到的市場分析和見解,以配合您的投資及財富管理需要,包括本行觀點、外滙走勢、環球及區域市場展望、可持續性遠見、前瞻性思維及投資知識。. 重要訊息: 爲了讓客戶在瀏覽投資觀點及其他内容時能獲享更優質的體驗,本行最近進行了平台升級 ...

  3. Read our latest insights curated to meet your investment and wealth needs, ranging from our house view, FX trends, global and regional market outlook, to sustainability insights, thought leadership articles and financial education.

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  4. 簡介. 投資股票掛鈎投資時可能會遇到的情況. 股票掛鈎投資(ELI)屬於結構性產品,其投資回報與單一或一籃子最多4隻股票的表現直接相關。 股票掛鈎投資一般為中短期投資產品,有機會為您提供更高潛在回報。 投資到期時,您除了可獲得潛在利息之外,亦可收回投資的100%本金,或者以低於初始現貨價,收取表現最差的股票。 但在最壞的情況下,股價可能會跌至0,代表您收到的股票可能會毫無價值。 股票掛鈎投資看似很複雜,但以下例子可以幫您了解投資股票掛鈎投資時可能遇到的情況,以及對您的投資有甚麼影響。 情況1. 符合自動贖回條件. 於贖回日,如表現最差的參考資產的收市價等於或高於贖回價,股票掛鈎投資將會被提早終止。 您將收取: 全數投資金額. 截至贖回日的潛在現金紅利金額. 情況2. 收市價等於或高於行使價.

  5. What is financial independence and why is it important? Imagine for a moment: what would you be doing with your life if you didn't have any financial pressure? Would you still keep the same job? The same hobbies? Same lifestyle? Financial independence means something different for everyone.

  6. 我應該如何理財?. 好好管理您的金錢絕對能夠幫助您達至財政穩定和自由。. 您要時刻掌握自己的財政狀況,才能應對通脹,並應付社會或經濟環境中難以預料的變化。. 了解自己的理財習慣和看待財富的態度,對財政自由十分重要。. 您可以先問問自己這些 ...

  7. 7 key steps for retirement planning. The average age millennials expect to retire is 61 1, which given a longer average lifespan these days, means you'd have a longer period to enjoy your life after you stop working. But how do you get to that ultimate goal of financial freedom and ensure your retirement years are as secure as possible?

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