雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 其他人也問了

  2. 2023年11月8日 · 甚麼是滲水的常見原因?. 常見滲水原因 : 樓上毗鄰或本身單位的排水管漏水. 樓上毗鄰或本身單位的供水管漏水. 樓板防水層或浴缸封邊欠妥或殘損. 污水或雨水經由大廈天台/平台/露台/外牆/窗戶滲入. 如何偵測居住單位內的滲水原因?. 滲水大都是由 ...

    • 「水管、馬桶堵塞不通」用:Clog, Clogged, clogged; Clog up/with Sth
    • 「水管漏水」用: Leak
    • 「燈泡壞了,電器、插座燒壞」用: Burn Out
    • 「筆電、電腦當機」用: Crash
    • 「食物壞了」用: Go Bad/Spoil ,或想明確表達食物「臭酸」了用turn Sour 食物酸掉
    馬桶壞了/不通。 The toilet is clogged.
    水管不通。 The pipe is clogged.
    管子裡積滿污垢。The pipe is clogged withdirt/grease.
    水管在漏水。 The pipe is leaking.
    水龍頭在漏水。 The tap/faucet is leaking.
    這汽車在漏油。 The car is leaking oil.
    燈泡/吹風機燒壞了。 The light bulb/hairdryerburned/burnt out.
    燈泡不停閃爍用flicker: The light bulb is flickering.
    我的筆電/電腦當機了。 My laptop/computer crashed.
    電腦當機可別說成 broken,這樣別人會以為是電腦摔壞或破損!
    這牛肉已經壞掉了。我們把它丟掉吧。 The beef has gone bad/has spoilt(spoiled). Let’s throw it away.
    Tim忘了把牛奶放回冰箱裡所以它酸掉了。 The milkturned sourbecause Tim forgot to put it back in the fridge.
  3. 在英语中翻译"水管漏水". leaking pipes. Water Leakage. 必须完好和自来水在公寓或房子 - 如果厨房水管漏水财富流向远离家庭。. Must be intact and running water in the apartment or house - if the kitchen leaking pipes, the wealth flows away from the family. 澳大利亚代表团曾拒绝入住,他们说 ...

  4. 滲水大多是由欠妥的水管、衞生設備或排水渠管滲漏造成,通常簡單修葺工程便可糾正。業主應直接聘請建築技術人員或持牌水喉匠,確定滲水原因,迅速加以修理。請參考由食物環境衞生署及屋宇署組成的聯合辦事處(聯辦處)編印的「自行勘測滲水」小冊子內的檢測方法。

  5. yes. it「s leaking. 水電工到神經外科醫師家修 水管漏水 ,兩分鐘就搞定。 工人索價150元。 a plumber attended to a leaking faucet at the neurosurgeon」s house. after a two-minute job the plumber demanded $150. 我為了止住 水管漏水 而絞盡腦汁. i was at my wit's end trying to stop the leaky pipe. 他是個冒險家,他追蹤 水管漏水 ,一直追蹤到它的根源. he is an adventurer who traces leaky plumbing to its source.

  6. 水管漏水 Water main leaking at ; Water leakage ; Water pipe water leakage ; plumbing leak. 英漢例句. 菲爾普斯在談到他 漏水 的泳鏡時說:「我剛跳入水中,泳鏡就進滿了水。 said phelps of his leaky goggles: "i dove in and they filled right up with water. 水正從 漏水 的籠頭滴下來. water is dripping from that leaky faucet. 裂縫和 漏水 表明房子的施工質量不好. cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house.

  7. 在英语中翻译"漏水" 动词. leaking leakage leak water leakage leaky. leaked. drip. 显示更多. 老师,我的笔一直漏水. Sir, my pen keeps leaking. 我们有一些水管漏水,先生。 We have some pipes leaking, sir. > 我们应该如何预防家用纯水机漏水? How should we prevent the leakage of domestic water? "因船尾轴管长期漏水"而下沉. sunk "by leakage of water from stern tube over long period of time" 我的卧室天花板有一处漏水.