雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. to be in a daze; to be in a trance; to be lost in reverie
    • 2. to look absent-minded; to look like an idiot

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  2. space out 是片語的用法,就是指「發呆、放空」的意思,用來形容因為太累或可能吃了藥導致無法察覺到周遭事物。 更貼切地說,就是「恍神」的意思。 Sorry, what did you say? I completely spaced out. 對不起,你剛剛說了什麼? 我完全放空了. He totally spaced out in the middle of the meeting. 他在會議進行到一半時就放空了. Most of the students got bored and started to space out during this lecture. 這堂課大部分的學生在上課時覺得很無聊,紛紛開始放空.

  3. glaze uk / gleɪz/ us / gleɪz/ verb. If your eyes glaze or glaze over, they stay still and stop showing any emotion because you are bored or tired or have stopped listening. Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod. 聽眾目光變得呆滯無神,一些人開始打盹。 (發呆在Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)

  4. 2024年5月17日 · 英文中,描述發呆或放空的狀態可以使用 space out zone outSpace out 強調的是注意力不集中,可能因為無聊或疲倦,而 zone out 則強調精神放空,對周圍環境不敏感,可能因為壓力或疲憊。

  5. glaze uk / gleɪz/ us / gleɪz/ verb. If your eyes glaze or glaze over, they stay still and stop showing any emotion because you are bored or tired or have stopped listening. Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod. 聽眾目光變得呆滯無神,一些人開始打盹。

  6. 2022年1月30日 · 將英文融入生活中學習,進步超神速. 1. space out 發呆. 就字面上就可以知道,因為無聊或是疲憊而放空,神遊到外太空去,就是這個用法的意思沒錯啦! A: Hey buddy! What do you say? A: 老兄! 你覺得呢? B: I'm sorry. I was spaced out. Where were we? B: 對不起,我剛剛放空了,我們講到哪邊了? 2. zone out 恍神發呆、無精打采. 通常因為疲勞、失眠或用藥後昏昏沉沉所引起的恍神發呆,就可以用zone out這個用法。 A: Are you listening to me anyway? A: 你到底有沒有在聽我說話呀? B: Oh…I just zoned out for a second.

  7. glaze uk / gleɪz/ us / gleɪz/ verb. If your eyes glaze or glaze over, they stay still and stop showing any emotion because you are bored or tired or have stopped listening. Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod. 听众目光变得呆滞无神,一些人则开始打盹。 (发呆在Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)

  8. 【發呆】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:stare blankly愣神兒發怔;打愣兒;怔;in a daze茫然,恍惚,眼花繚亂; 怔怔; 發呆; 迷迷糊糊;dumbfounded驚呆的,目瞪口呆的;。