雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月16日 · MMoP. 地址:長野縣北佐久郡御代田町大字馬瀬口1794-1. 休館日:每週三。 其他店家的營業時間請參考官網。 官網: https://mmop.jp/ 淺間國際攝影節(ASAMA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO FESTIVAL) 官網: https://asamaphotofes.jp/miyota/ 從留學生、上班族到自由文字工作者,旅日生活近15年,專注於藝文活動、社會趨勢、親子教育。

  2. 傳統工藝 北海道. 「玻璃之都,唯有小樽」,這是一句在全日本都流傳得很廣的老話,從側面凸顯出小樽產的玻璃製品在日本全國的知名度和良好口碑。. 喜歡玻璃製品的小夥伴們,在觀賞風景之餘,也不妨走進下面這5家玻璃製品人氣老店,收集一些晶瑩剔透的 ...

  3. 2018年6月28日 · Located in the heart of the city in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward, Rikugien is a kaiyu circuit-style "daimyo garden." It was constructed in the Edo Period (1603 - 1868) in 1702 at the behest of the fifth shogun, Tsunayoshi Tokugawa, by Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu—daimyo of Kawagoe and close friend to Tsunayoshi. The name Rikugien (六義園) is actually a ...

  4. 2016年11月29日 · Museum Gardens Flowers Tokyo. The Japanese word "bonsai" is understood all over the world. Bonsai is the art of planting miniature trees and plants in pots to create a simulacrum of natural scenery, to be appreciated for its aesthetic beauty. Said to have originated during the Tang dynasty in China, the art traveled to Japan about 800 years ago ...

  5. 地址. 東京都新宿區矢來町67. 交通. 乘坐地下鐵東西線至神樂坂站(2號出口)步行約1分鐘. 電話. 03-5227-6977(日語) 營業時間. 商店:11:00~20:00. 咖啡廳:8:00~22:00(21:30 L.O.) 廢棄鐵道上的秘密花園|Log Road Daikanyama. http://www.logroad-daikanyama.jp/ 代官山不止有蔦屋書店和時尚品牌店,可以稱得上是私藏的高質感景點「Log Road Daikanyama」也同樣是必須打卡的文青據點。

  6. 2020年3月23日 · Koishikawa Korakuen is arguably one of the oldest and most exquisite traditional Japanese gardens in Tokyo. Like all Japanese gardens, you can find picture-perfect miniature hills, ponds, stones, trees, and vibrant flowers and foliage.

  7. 2016年10月4日 · 3 Historic Fan Shops in Kyoto. Kyoto’s rich history even extends to its many shops and these shinise, or historic shops, are some of the Kyoto's oldest. In fact, these three fan shops are among Japan's most historic, with some dating as far back as the 17th century! 3. Aiba. Aiba has been continuously selling traditional Japanese fans since 1689.

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