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  2. 粵拼發音查詢,粵語字詞典。Help Save Cantonese and Keep This Language Alive! Content on this site is licensed under , except where otherwise noted.shyyp.net ®, formerly known as ykyi.net, has served since 2010. Proudly Hosted in Hong Kong.

  3. 粤拼发音查询,粤语字词典。Help Save Cantonese and Keep This Language Alive! Content on this site is licensed under , except where otherwise noted.shyyp.net ®, formerly known as ykyi.net, has served since 2010. Proudly Hosted in Hong Kong.

  4. 贛字粵語怎麼讀點讀,廣東話怎麼讀,什麼意思,粵語拼音真人發音,審音配詞字庫

  5. 粵語普通話翻譯. 輸入要翻譯的句子,比如:你食佐飯未啊?. 如果輸入單字則跳轉到字典。.

  6. 解釋: 放牛. English: to cowherd; often used as an expression to describe the energy required to look after an overactive child. 短語:看hon3hɔːn3hon3hon3hon³¯hɔnhon3hɔːn3檔dong2dɔːŋ2dong2dong2dong²´dɔŋdong2dɔːŋ2 編輯. 解釋: 看店,看舖子,看攤兒,看守攤子,看守店舖. 短語:看 ...

  7. 香港政府人名地名拼音: Shui或 Sui. 粵語同音字有:. 常用字: 尿 摔 虽 衰 雖 需 須 须. 非常用字: 倠 哸 嚅 夊 娞 媭 嬃 孈 嶿 幁 揟 桵 楈 榱 毸 浽 湑 滖 濉 熣 眭 睢 稰 糈 緰 縃 繻 绥 胥 荽 荾 葰 蕦 蝑 諝 谞 鑐 鞖. 解釋:. 綏靖, 綏遠, 綏服綏撫, 綏定, 綏靖 (舊省 ...

  8. 解釋: 塞進. English: to shove/squeeze an object into a gap/small space. [ 廣 韻 ]:諸氏切,上4紙,zhǐ,止開三上支A章 [ 平水韻 ]:上聲四紙 [ 唐 音 ]:gyɛ̌,jiɛ̌ [ 國 語 ]:zhǐ [ 粵 語 ]:zat1 zi2 基本解釋 枳 zhī 落葉灌木或小喬木,小枝多刺,果實黃綠色,味酸不可食,可入藥 ...

  9. [ 廣 韻]:魯刀切,下平6豪,láo,效開一平豪來 [ 平水韻]:去聲二十號 [ 唐 音]:lɑ u [ 國 語]:lào [ 粵 語]:lou6 [ 閩南語]:lo5 基本解釋 嫪 lào 〔嫪??〕人名,中國秦始皇的宦官。

  10. English: (verb) to get over with something; to accept difficulties, facts and unpleasant reality; to be open-minded. 短語:睇tai2tɐi2tei2tai2tai²´tɐitai2tʌi2得dak1dɐk1deg1dak7dak¹'dɐkdak7dʌk1起hei2hei2héi2hei2hei²´heihei2hei2 編輯. 解釋: 看得起. English: (verb) trust on; count on; bet on.

  11. 四角號碼: 84712 UniCode: U+9952. 羊羊粵語審音字典 EDITABLE. <饒> 讀粵語 jiu4 的依據有:. 香港政府人名地名拼音: Yiu. 粵語同音字有:. 同音粵語字: 鷂 鹞. 常用字: 侥 僥 姚 搖 摇 窑 窯 謠 谣 遙 遥 陶 饶. 非常用字: 傜 嗂 垚 堯 娆 媱 嬈 尧 尭 峣 嶢 嶤 徭 愮 揺 摿 ...

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