雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 由於國務卿布林肯警告,俄烏戰爭可能會持續到2022年底,商品生產很可能會繼續受到干擾此外,中國的新冠病毒清零政策可能會為國際供應鏈帶來額外的不確定因素。 聯儲局5月份的會議聲明中亦提到了這兩個因素。 如果美國的通脹壓力持續時間超過預期,聯儲局可能需要以比之前預期更快的速度收緊貨幣政策。 儘管美國家庭的財務狀況在過去一年有所改善,2021 年第4 季度淨資產按年增長14.4% 至約150萬億美元,但更快的貨幣緊縮將導致資產價格出現調整,對家庭淨資產和因此消費產生負面影響。 這可能會拖累美國經濟從疫情復甦的持續性。 國債孳息率上升,股市下跌. 隨着國債孳息率攀升,削弱了股票相對於國債回報的吸引力,美國指標股票指數在4 月份調整。

  2. Senior Management. Mr. Adrian David LI Man-kiu. Co-Chief Executive. For the biographical details, please click here. Mr. Brian David LI Man-bun. Co-Chief Executive. For the biographical details, please click here.

  3. 2018年12月1日 · Mr. Meocre LI Kwok-wing. Mr. Li, aged 68, was appointed a Director in 2016. He is the Chief Executive of Alpha Alliance Finance Holdings Limited. Mr. Li was the Managing Partner of Arthur Andersen, one of the major international accounting firms, taking charge of its Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland operations from September 1993 to February 1995.

  4. Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia, Limited ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive corporate banking, personal banking, wealth management, and investment services to its customers in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other major markets around the world.

  5. Mr. Brian David LI Man-bun. Mr. Li, aged 49, was appointed an Executive Director in 2014. He first joined the Bank Group in 2002. He was General Manager & Head of Wealth Management Division of the Bank from July 2004 to March 2009. He was appointed Deputy Chief Executive in April 2009 and Co-Chief Executive in July 2019.

  6. 美國商務部在去年10月修訂人工智能和半導體技術對華出口政策,禁止向中國出口並阻止中國自行製造或從其他地方購買,包括禁止中國獲得美國芯片設計軟件、製造設備及組件。 有見及此,中國選擇了自主研發及生產之路。 《數字中國建設整體布局規劃》中指出,通過基建及資源體系兩大基礎,目標到2035年時數字化發展水平進入世界前列。 同時成立官方機構及釐清職能以準備各項挑戰,例如成立國家數據局及中央科學技術委員會,負責監督及加強行業監管,更好地統籌攻堅克難,加快實現高技術水平科技自立及自強。 以上操作紮實對上中下游控制,並向大型國企及民企行業龍頭,掌握它們在數字價值鏈中關鍵環節的操作。 理順監管後,市場普遍認為扭轉了近年網絡政策及行業監管方針,預期更多「綠燈」及為國際競爭提供更多支持。

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