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  1. Welcoming top overseas universities establishing a presence in Hong Kong Yesterday afternoon, I met with the President of the University of Chicago, Professor Robert J Zimmer. At the meeting, I welcomed the opening of the Hong Kong Campus of the University ...

  2. 除了加拿大總理因事離京返國外,二十一個經濟體的全部領導人,包括習近平主席、奧巴馬總統、普京總統等都岀席了會議。 會議圍繞着經貿、安全、防疫等各經濟體共同關心的問題進行討論,達成一系列共識。

  3. 教育及青少年發展. 教育. 大力投資教育,五年間經常開支增加三成。. 現時約45%適齡人口修讀學位程度的課程,較五年前增加約15 個 百分點。. 修讀公帑資助學士學位課程的比率亦由五年前約21%升至 約28%。. 在2015/16 學年開始推行「指定專業╱界別課程資助計劃 ...

  4. 未來升學與就業的輔導,推廣多元出路的理念, 同時推動更多工商機構和 社區資源參與「商校合作 計劃」。每所開辦高中班 級的官立、津貼及直資 學校,由2014-15學年起 每年獲提供經常現金津貼 約50萬元,津貼額隨後亦 會按年調整。• 2013年10月開展為期

  5. 2023年8月9日 · Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, JP, Secretary for Education. Dr Choi has been Under Secretary for Education since 2017, before assuming the post of Secretary for Education in 2022. Prior to joining the Government, Dr Choi had worked in the education field for nearly 30 years. She taught in secondary schools for more than a decade since 1988, before joining ...

  6. 新高中學制希望以廣角度、多元化和均衡的課程,結合知識和通識科目,鼓勵學生根據個人興趣、志向和能力選擇適合自己的科目,發揮潛能,同時為在本地和海外繼續升學做好準備。

  7. Professor Sun Dong was appointed as the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry on 1 July 2022. Professor Sun grew up in Beijing. He studied his doctorate degree in Hong Kong in 1994 and pursued further studies overseas.