雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 貨品保存期限會受影響,建議快點出貨 > 貨品拖愈久,保存期限愈短對他們不利。As the manufacture date is on Dec.2018, we suggest that you deliver them asap.
    • 儲藏空間有限,其他客人沒地方放 > 我被工廠追殺我也很為難。Our factory is pushing me to deliver your order.
    • 會計部門正在算錢 > 我被財務部門追殺嗚嗚。Our financial department is checking when we can receive your balance, please let us know your payment arrangement schedule.
    • 我們工廠需要收到匯款來買原料 >工廠沒錢買原料豪可憐啊。Please be advised that our factory needs to receive remittance from our customers to purchase the raw material.
    • 「催款」必學的單字片語。逾期通知。overdue notice。逾期已久。long overdue。逾期剩餘款。overdue balance。拖欠帳目。
    • 「催款」必學的句型。句型1:「通知繳款到期」“This letter is to inform you that payment is now + 欠款時間 + overdue."
    • 如何用e-mail催款。To: Louis Health (peterwong@louishealth.com)Subject: Payment Reminder。
    • 如何用e-mail回覆催款信函。To: Frankie Chu (Essential Oil Pub)Subject: Re: Payment Reminder。
  1. 2022年6月17日 · Example: If you are unable to make payment immediately or require special arrangements, perhaps you could explain the problem to us. 如果你們無法立即付款或需要特殊安排,可以向 ...

  2. 2021年6月12日 · ITI的英文課程非常實用尤其是商用英文書信」,不論是Sales還是採購在面對外國客戶時都會需要寫英文書信今天要來分享我最近學到的 ...

    • Overdue Invoice Payment Reminder Email Samples
    • A Checklist For Your Outstanding Payment Reminder Email Format
    • How to Handle Persistent Non Payments?
    • How to Set Up Invoice Reminders?

    In this section, we’ll walk you through 8 invoice payment reminder email sample templates you can use at various intervals. 

    Personalizing the emails is essential when you send invoice payment follow up emails to a company. Customizing your email will keep your brand identity intact and make you stand out from the crowd. Let’s see what you can include in your overdue invoice reminder email.

    If, after politely reminding them to pay, you follow up with them and have conversations, the client still doesn’t pay, it might be time to consider taking a stronger stance.

    To set up invoice reminders, you can follow the steps below: Step 1:Register with the best invoice reminder software and go for a free trial. Step 2:Customize your reminders so that they alert you before and after the dates on which your bills are due. Choose pre-made themes or create custom reminders that align with your brand. Step 3: You don’t h...

  3. 2019年5月15日 · 催款常用英語表達. 催款用到的英語,在語氣上可以更直接,更乾脆一點。 直接和客戶挑明比含蓄地表達要好。 畢竟,拖欠錢會英語辦事效率。 Could you please pay the outstanding payment as soon as possible? 請儘快支付未付款項。 This is to inform you that your payment is past due. 我們這樣寫的目的是通知你有逾期未付款。 Please kindly tell us when will you pay the overdue charge? 請告訴我們,你們打算什麼時候支付逾期費用?

  4. 最實用的10封英文回郵範本. 動之以情,關心對方是否有甚麼困難或苦衷,在查詢進度之後加上一句︰. Please let us know if you require any assistance from our end. 以下例子綜合了以上各個元素,以供參考︰. I’m just emailing to check you got the XXX Report I sent you last week. I need to complete the report by Friday and I can’t do that until I receive your feedback.

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