雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年3月22日 · 張媽媽番茄炒蛋 , 老少咸宜又營養豐富的菜式,很適合配飯. 記得like我的Video同訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。 MamaCheung's scrambled egg with tomatoes, a popular Chinese dish, very simple to make and...

    • 4 分鐘
    • 476.1K
    • 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung
    • Step 3: Scramble The Egg
    • Step 4: Cook The Tomato
    • Step 5: Combine & Season

    Here are two different approaches: 1. If using a non-stick skillet/frying pan: add oil then heat it up over high heat until it becomes very hot. Pour in the egg mixture. Once the bottom part sets, move with a spatula to allow the running part to flow to the hot surface. Break the scrambled egg into small pieces then transfer to a plate. 2. If using...

    After taking out the egg, turn the heat to medium and add a little oil to sizzle the garlic. Then stir in the chopped tomato. Fry for 20 seconds or so. Then add a little water. Leave to cook until the tomato becomes a little mushy. 🛎 Pro tip: If you want more sauce to flavor the rice or noodles you’re serving with, add more water and cook a bit lo...

    Add the scrambled egg and season with salt and sugar. Put in chopped scallions and give everything a final stir. Taste to see if you need extra seasoning. 🛎 Pro tip: I like my tomato egg stir-fry on the savoy side so a pinch of sugar is enough. If you enjoy a sweeter taste (or the tomato you use is quite tart), please feel free to increase its qua...

    • Main Course
    • 1 分鐘
    • 300
  2. 8663. 讚好 收藏. 番茄炒蛋係每個家庭都煮過嘅菜式,簡單易煮又營養豐富,而且仲好好撈飯添。 番茄炒蛋嘅做法有好多種,不過有幾種調味料,加咗落去可以令呢道菜更加惹味。 唔信? 一齊睇下食譜啦! 食譜影片. 查看影片詳情. 食材 (3-4人) 15分鐘內. 番茄 Tomato 2-3個/pcs. 雞蛋 Egg 3隻/pcs. 生粉水 Starch solutioon 2湯匙/tbsp. 水 Water 適量/Some. 調味料. 鹽 Salt 1茶匙/tsp. 糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp. 茄汁 Ketchup 2 湯匙/tbsp. 喼汁 Worcestershire sauce 2茶匙/tsp. 1 番茄切丁備用 Dice tomatos.

  3. 2021年3月13日 · Scrambled Egg in Fresh Tomato Sauce 蕃茄炒蛋 Egg 4 (large size) Milk 25g (optional, for smoother eggs) Tomato 500g (cut into big & small pieces) Onion 100g (cut into 1” pcs) Minced garlic 1 ...

    • 4 分鐘
    • 480
    • Cook with Kathy
  4. 番茄炒蛋 Stir-Fried Egg with Tomatoes. 番茄炒蛋每個麻麻做出來的味道都不一樣噢!. 我麻麻是酱煮的,你呢?. 分量: 3-4人份 需时: 15分钟 材料: 幼姜 – 1小颗,切碎 鸡蛋 – 4粒 番茄 – 2粒 (中型),切块 葱 – 1 条,切粒 油 – 3 汤匙 番茄酱 – 2 汤匙 水 – 1小 ...

    • Main
    • 4
    • Chinese
  5. 2018年7月20日 · 番茄炒蛋(附食譜)Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes Recipe .前一陣子,#小哥在youtube看到阿基師番茄炒蛋,而且番茄炒蛋材料只有番茄和雞蛋,但看起來番茄炒蛋營養非常滿分,直覺得一家大小,老少咸宜下飯的最佳伴侶,番茄汁才是這道菜的精華所在哦!. 番茄炒蛋食用 ...

  6. 【楊桃美食網-3分鐘學做菜】番茄炒蛋 (Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes) 楊桃商城→ https://shop.ytower.com.tw/材料雞蛋 5顆牛番茄 3顆蔥 40公克Ingredients5 Eggs3 Beef ...

    • 5 分鐘
    • 8M
    • 楊桃美食網