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  1. 最新消息. 新聞公報. 負責管理祖堂的三名司理沒有遵從危險斜坡修葺令被罰款六萬元. 最近修訂日期: 2024年1月11日. 分享. 負責管理祖堂擁有的一幅土地的三名司理由於沒有遵從根據建築物條例》(第123章發出的危險斜坡修葺令上周在屯門裁判法院被定罪及罰款合共六萬元。 有關案件涉及位於元朗私人地段的兩幅斜坡及一幅擋土牆,共長約九十米,高度約五至六米不等。 鑑於有關斜坡及擋土牆可能變得危險,屋宇署遂根據《建築物條例》第27A條向有關土地擁有人發出危險斜坡修葺令,要求在命令發出日期起計兩個月內委任一名認可人士及一名註冊岩土工程師統籌及監督按照獲屋宇署批准的補救工程建議,並須於七個月內完成有關工程。

  2. www.bd.gov.hk › doc › enChapter 4 - BD

    4.4.1 Maintenance in General. The following are aspects of maintenance that should be considered for formulating plans: Servicing. It includes periodic inspection, cleansing, oiling (mechanical parts) and adjustments. The objective is to minimize wear and tear, and to prevent breakdown. Repairs.

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  3. This booklet includes the statutory requirements under Building Management Ordinance (Chapter 344) related to the formation and operation of Owners' Corporation, such as: convention of Owners' meeting. registration of Owners' Corporation. meetings and procedure of Corporation, etc. The guide is published by Home Affairs Department and can be ...

  4. Buildings Department | 屋宇署

  5. 4.5.2 Fire Evacuation Plan and Fire Drill. No matter how faultless a fire prevention system may be, fire does happen – accidentally. It is therefore essential to put in place a plan which may be specific to the location of individual units, for the safe evacuation in the event of a fire. An OC, or the property manager should formulate a fire ...

  6. 负责管理祖拥有的一幅土地的三名司理由于没有遵从根据《建筑物条例》(第123 章)发出的危险斜坡修葺令,上周在屯门裁判法院被定罪及罚款合共六万元。 有关案件涉及位于元朗私人地段的两幅斜坡及一幅挡土墙,共长约九十米,高度约五至六米不 ...

  7. B30.4. A closed-circuit television and direct intercom link, both backed up by emergency power for at least 1 hour, should be provided to every temporary refuge space for communication with the management office of the building. The height of the intercom link shall not be less than 900mm and not more than 1200mm above the floor level.