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  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. defendant (in legal case)

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  2. 被告被告人. 比較. complainant specialized. plaintiff specialized. 範例. The jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was innocent. The defendant is accused of a range of crimes, from theft to murder. The judge directed the defendant to remain silent. The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.

  3. dealing with someone, for example someone who has committed a crime, by giving them special treatment, rather than by sending them to prison, etc.: The money went to the district attorney's office to pay for a diversionary scheme designed to reduce the prison population.

  4. 2006年3月6日 · 被上诉人respondent; the appellee. 被申请人respondent. 被申请执行人party against whom execution is filed. 被执行人person subject to enforcement. 本诉principal action. 必要共同诉讼人party in necessary co-litigation. 变通管辖jurisdiction by accord. 辩护defense. 辩护律师defense attorney/lawyer. 辩护人defender. 辩护证据exculpatory evidence; defense evidence. 辩论阶段stage of court debate.

  5. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 被告人 noun () defendant n. 被告人 noun, plural () defendants pl. 被告人 () defendant (in legal case) See also: 被告 n — accused n. ·. defendants pl. ·. plaintiff n. ·. respondent n. 告人 n — defendant n. See more examples • See alternative translations. See alternative translations. © Linguee Dictionary, 2024.

  6. 被告、證人、有罪、無罪等「法院用語」英文怎麼說?. (Picture from freepik.com-macrovector-official) 喜歡看律師、檢察官等職業劇的你,不能錯過今天的主題英文「法院相關用字與用語🗣」,學起來,看美劇FU(feel).

  7. a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal. respondent uk / rɪˈspɒn.dənt/ us / rɪˈspɑːn.dənt/ noun specialized. in a court case, the person who a petition is made against, especially in a divorce case: She divorced the respondent on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour. 她以被告行为失当为由与其 ...

  8. 英式英语: accused / əˈkjuːzd / NOUN. The accused refers to the person or people charged with a crime. The accused were all members of the same gang. 美式英语: accused / əkyˈuzd /. 阿拉伯语: مُتَّهَم. 巴西葡萄牙语: acusado. 简体中文: 被告. 克罗地亚语: optuženik. 捷克语: obžalovaný.