雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月3日 · 長者旅遊保險|年齡上限 不少旅遊保險均設有年齡限制,一般而言上限年齡為 70 至 80 歲,當中全年旅遊保險的年齡上限相比單次旅遊保險較低。以 STARR「卓悅遊」旅遊保險計劃為例,如購買單次旅遊保險便不設年齡限制,但全年旅遊保險計劃則限制最高投保年齡為 70 歲,並且最多只能續保至 75 歲。

  2. 2016年12月23日 · 在南華早報的 這篇報導中 ,一名年長人士企圖欺詐一名裝有車cam的駕駛者。 這名騙徒假裝在講電話,走到涉事車輛前面,於是司機便慢車等待他走過。 當司機駛近他,著他快點過路時,這名騙徒突然有如職業足球員那樣飛身插水,跌倒在地上。 幸好車cam拍得他在跌倒之前,根本就沒有被車輛觸到,而且段片還錄得得一名途人笑稱他「扮嘢! 貼士三:免讓肇事者不顧而去,逃避法律制裁. 欖球球員一般來說都很壯健。 然而, 這個故事 中所發生的意外,就真正考驗了該名受害外籍人士有多強壯。 這段影片由跟隨在涉案汽車之後的司機所拍得 - 在片段中,一名醉酒駕駛的司機在僅僅避過與迎面巴士相撞後,碰到匯合行車線上的電單車司機,把他從車上撞跌。 涉案司機在撞埋牆後,急急逃離現場,留下受傷的香港欖球代表隧球員不顧而去。

  3. 2023年12月28日 · 香港消委會之前公布由英國消費者組織統籌的 車 cam 測試報告 ,當中 12 款在港有售,產品售價介乎 $429 至 $2,280,全部可以全高清錄影,其中 8 款為單一拍攝裝置,只能安裝於前方擋風玻璃拍攝車前路面情況,其餘 4 款則可同時記錄車前及車後的路面情況。 測試項目包括畫質、音質、錄影範圍、截圖質素、GPS 定位準確度及撞擊感應檔案保護功能等。 影像清晰度方面會檢閱各樣本的影片畫面是否清楚,車牌號碼或路牌有否自動對焦等。 部份車 CAM 模糊起格. 12 款車 cam 中,有 3 款容易受街燈及強光影響,眩光嚴重,即使在日光之下,所攝得的影像輪廓仍然模糊,並有起格情況,而影片截圖的質素亦甚為遜色。 另有 7 成半的樣本在光線不足的環境,無法清楚顯示前方車牌號碼。

    • If You Are Driving to Macao...
    • If You Are Driving to Mainland China…
    • Professional Resources from Motor Insurance Specialists

    Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme

    Under this scheme, eligible Hong Kong non-commercial private car owners are allowed to drive to Macao via the HZMB and park their private car at the East Car Park based in the Frontier Post at Macao Port for a short period of time without any quota requirement. After parking their cars at the Macao Carpark, drivers and passengers of private cars should complete the clearance procedures before interchanging with public transport to reach other areas of Macao. The Governments of Hong Kong and M...

    Regular Quota for Hong Kong Private Cars to Macao

    Hong Kong private car drivers allocated with regular quotas will be able to access the city of Macao via the HZMB. The number of regular quotas for Hong Kong Private Cars is set at 300, of which 150 are company quotas and another 150 are individual quotas. These quotas are valid for three years and would be re-allocated upon expiry by the Transport Department through an open application. Below is a brief summary of the application procedure: 1. Arrange insurance coverage. 2. Submit the Expres...

    A limit of 10,000 private cars from Hong Kong are allowed to drive to Zhuhai via the HZMB, but applicants must meet a number of strict criteria. While the Hong Kong Transport Department websitedoes not specify how to become one of the 10,000 lucky drivers, Hong Kong Free Presssays “applications are open to local, recognized high-tech enterprises or...

    Since the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, our experts at Kwiksure have received a growing number of inquiries from drivers regarding crossing the bridge and the HZMB motor insurance. We hope that you find the information listed above and our infographicsuseful. With the goal of simplifying insurance, Kwiksure regularly launches new in...

  4. 2019年3月13日 · 快而保 (Kwiksure) 是持牌汽車保險經紀公司,擁有逾 20 年的豐富保險經驗, 致力將保險化繁為簡,為客人挑選最符合預算及保障範圍的保險計劃。 快而保提供一系列的保險產品,包括汽車保險、電單車保險、港車北上保險、家居保險、旅遊保險、外傭保險及自願醫保等。

  5. A HK Driver's Guide to Crossing the HZMB. October 24, 2018 marked the official opening date of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), the world’s longest sea crossing, after the government had spent nine years and a whopping $20 billion on the project. This 55 km bridge will serve as a mega link enhancing transport connectivity with the ...

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