雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主頁. 產品介紹. 意外及健康. 個人意外. 「樂在人生」個人意外保險計劃. 計劃特點. 意外死亡及意外傷殘保障. 意外保障最高可達100萬港元. 一旦遇上較嚴重的意外導致永久傷殘甚至不幸死亡,一筆過的賠償可協助應付供樓、交租、照顧子女或供養父母等開支. 意外醫療費用賠償. 住院及門診醫療費用高達3萬港元 1. 包括住院、門診、中醫跌打、針灸、脊椎治療及物理治療等 2. 多方面保障. 保障一般小型意外、一般運動、業餘危險運動、天災、交通意外、恐怖活動等. 無索償優惠. 如在保險期內無任何索償紀錄,續保保費可享5%折扣,最高累積15%的折扣. 保費優惠. 若與至少另外一名家庭成員(例如配偶、子女、父母或配偶父母)同時投保,均可享10%保費折扣. 備註: 1. 以成年計劃B計算. 2.

  2. 專為建築業度身設計的保險計劃. 建築和基建是社會發展的基石,假如沒有基建,社區根本無以為繼。. 任何保險產品都有其獨特之處,我們樂於助您設計適切的保險方案,讓您可享有更周全的保障。. 由2016年1月起,工安保險已成為蘇黎世集團旗下全資子公司 ...

  3. 隨著日常和經濟活動全面復常, 蘇黎世保險(香港)(「蘇黎世」) 已經為抓緊機遇萬事俱備,日前為貴賓中心「蘇黎世尚越理財中心」揭幕,以一站式及貼心的壽險服務提昇客戶體驗。. 「蘇黎世尚越理財中心」設於尖沙購物區,交通四通八達,可俯瞰維 ...

  4. Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) is part of Zurich Insurance Group. In Hong Kong, we offer a full range of flexible insurance solutions to individuals, as well as commercial and corporate customers. Zurich’s presence in Hong Kong dates back to 1961. Since then, the company has dedicated to serving the Hong Kong community.

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  5. Our network. We care for your convenience and peace of mind, so we are here to connect you with a range of trusted healthcare professionals and motor repair facilities. Check out our network of experts below and get the service you need! Medical. Motor.

  6. 蘇黎世保險 (香港)|一般保險及人壽保險

  7. We've made it easy for you. Find the payment service you need below and get answers to your most frequently asked questions. What type of payment service are you looking for? Policy renewal. Everything you need to know about renewing your policy, including payment methods, autopay account, and more. Learn more. Life premium payment.

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