雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 通利琴行為首屈一指的電結他零售商,有多款入門電結他以至專業電結他供購買。 買滿HK$1,000 免運費。 立即到通利琴行網店或親臨門市選購!

  2. 如果您喜歡西班牙佛羅明哥或巴洛克時期的音樂,那麼古典結他 便 是 你 的理想選擇。 電結他 電吉他是藍調和搖滾音樂的靈魂。當電結他接駁至擴音機,彈奏出來的每個音,都可令全場尖叫狂呼。 低音結他

  3. All-in-one complete beginner pack. Guitar, amp and accessories all included and scale length is 648mm (25.5 inch) Classic double-cutaway design, 5-way pickup selector and tremelo. High quality black gloss finish. Quality tonewoods and superior craftmanship. Humbucker, single coil, humber 3-pickup configuration.

  4. 通利琴行——你的音樂用品及樂器零售商. 無論你是想在網上購買入門樂器、抑或專業音響產品,通利琴行樂器銷售網店是你的不二之選。. 通利琴行從事樂器銷售及零售多年,代理多個在全球均享負盛名的音樂用品及樂器品牌,包括Yamaha、Taylor、Fender、Pearl、Korg ...

  5. Fender Noventa Telecaster®, Maple Fingerboard, Vintage Blonde 電結他. Combining classic Fender style and dynamic single-coil pickups, the Noventa series delivers powerful tones, modern playability and dashing good looks. The Noventa Telecaster® is a stripped-down rock machine – featuring a lone Noventa single-coil, master volume and tone ...

  6. 通利琴行提供多款性價比高、價錢相宜的木結他,適合結他新手以至專業結他手購買,買滿HK$1,000 免運費。 立即到通利琴行網店或親臨門市選購! 跳至內容

  7. Fender ERIC JOHNSON STRATOCASTER® MAPLE - Electric Guitar 電結他. Any guitarist who marvels at the breathtaking sonic artistry and peerlessly pure tone of Texas Strat® virtuoso Eric Johnson will also marvel at the Eric Johnson Stratocaster Maple guitar.

  8. 查看精選旅行及小型結他。 如未能找到想要的產品,可按此填寫表格查詢產品,我們將盡快回覆你的查詢。 此外,通利琴行門市亦有大量結他可供選購,歡迎到各門市選購。

  9. Fender Champion™ 40, 230V UK DS. Model #: 2330304900. Color: Black & Sliver. Easy to use and versatile enough for any style of guitar playing, the 40-watt, 1x12" Champion 40 is an ideal choice as your first practice amp and an affordable stage amp.

  10. 通利琴行精選多個結他套裝,包括木結他、Ukulele及電結他套裝。 如未能找到想要的產品,可按此填寫表格查詢產品,我們將盡快回覆你的查詢。 此外,通利琴行門市亦有更多結他可供選購,歡迎到各門市選購。

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