雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We are a medical group consists of experience registered nurses of neurosurgery training and experience neurosurgeons who subspecialized in skull base, spine and neurovascular surgery. For decades, we have been treating stroke patients and patients with other brain and spine problems in both public sector and private sector in Hong Kong.

  2. 頸椎病 大致可分為五種症狀類型: 頸壓分佈圖. 神經根壓分布圖. 如何診斷是否患上頸椎病? 磁力共振造影能準確診斷中樞神經系統(腦及脊髓)問題,掃描能為病人找出頸椎神經病變、不穩定、滑脫、頸椎間盤突出、骨刺、增生韌帶或腫瘤 (如有) 的部位,讓醫生了解病情及做出相應治療。 除了臨床問症,醫生可透過磁力共振檢查更準確掌握患者視力問題、頭暈頭痛、心悸、噁心、胸悶、肌肉無力、麻木或刺痛、行為或思維改變、失眠、驚恐症、情緒病/抑鬱症、視力模糊、怕光等症狀的原因。 地址︰. 九龍 - 尖沙咀堪富利士道8號格蘭中心1107室 (港鐵尖沙咀站A2出口) 香港 - 中環干諾道中13 - 14號歐陸貿易中心18樓 (港鐵中環站A出口) 聯絡我們︰. 電話︰ 2367 6116. 傳真︰ 2682 5216.

  3. 39 歲的黃小姐身體一向健康,每年都會做簡單的定期身體檢查,結果一切正常。 最近因為有朋友死於出血性中風,讓沒有頭痛頭暈病徵、血壓正常,家族亦沒有中風病史的黃小姐想積極排除將來中風的風險,於是她抱着身體檢查的心態向腦神經外科醫生尋求意見。

  4. 中風急救處理、腦腫瘤手術、腦血管瘤微創手術、脊椎腫瘤微創手術、脊椎微創手術、三叉神經微創手術、打通腦動脈血栓塞微創手術、中風風險評估服務、急性中風護理、中風治療、中風復健計劃、腦溢血意外、腦血管CT、MRI掃瞄、脊椎 移 位、全身體斷層造影服務等。

  5. Tel: 2367 6116. Fax: 2682 5216. Hotline: Tel: 8107 1616. E-mail: info@brainandspine.com.hk. Website: https://www.brainandspine.com.hk. NEUROSURGERY is a highly specialized surgical subspecialty that involves i) medical treatments ii) physical treatments iii) interventional or endovascular procedures and iv) minimally invasive microsurgeries for ...

  6. 經過腦血管外科醫生的診斷和急救,在全身麻醉下,醫生使用尤如髪微細的導管,經過病人右邊大腿的腹股溝的大動脈而入,導管再經過腹部和胸腔的大動脈一直向上,遊走到病人右邊的頸和腦部血管大動脈,進行機械式血栓吸取內血管治療急救。

  7. We are a medical group consists of experience registered nurses of neurosurgery training and experience neurosurgeons who subspecialized in skull base, spine and neurovascular surgery. For decades, we have been treating stroke patients and patients with other brain and spine problems in both public sector and private sector in Hong Kong.