雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The missions of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds are to promote wind band music and to nurture local talented wind instrument performers. Founded by Dr. Wai-hong YIP and Mr. Alfonso WONG in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the first amateur band in Hong Kong with considerable size and structure.

  2. 一九八七年五月,葉惠康博士及黃日照先生創立了香港第一隊具規模的業餘管樂團-「香港交響管樂團」。 黃氏畢生致力音樂教育,對音樂教育的發展可謂不遺餘力。

  3. 於2013年成為Yamaha Artist (HK)小號演奏家,馮嘉興曾任香港小交響樂團小號首席(2007-2014),及其他多個樂團合作包括香港管弦樂團,香港城市室樂團,台灣國家交響樂團,澳門樂團及廣州交響樂團等,亦經常舉行獨奏會及獲邀作獨奏演出。

  4. 師隨香港管弦樂團首席小號卡拉克, 並接受助理首席小號莫思卓指導,亦曾接受過多個世界知名小號大師如湯瑪遜, 偉蘇提等指導。張氏曾參與多個大型音樂活動和演出, 包括廣東國際音樂夏令營, 香港國際管樂節, 第四十屆國際圓號交流匯演。

  5. 一九九二年擔任音樂總監,二十年來帶領「香港交響管樂團」不斷演出,走遍香港各區,管樂團水準不斷提昇,創造出輝煌的成績,並培養出大批管樂演奏人材、作曲家及樂隊指揮,桃李滿天下。

  6. 吳活躍於參與不同的樂團及獨奏表演。他現為香港交響管樂團之首席長號。另外,他也曾在專業樂團擔任特約長號樂手,包括香港管弦樂團、澳門樂團及香港小交響樂團。 對音樂充滿熱誠的吳,回流返港後開始投身教學及推廣長號音樂。

  7. As an educator, Fung being active in conducting masterclass, workshop and seminar, he is now the faculty member of HKAPA and Hong Kong Baptist University. Besides trumpet performance and education, Fung is also keen on conducting. He has been the Associate Music Director at Hong Kong Symphonic Winds since 2011.

  8. 黎得駿是Ultimate Brass品牌代言人,使用的是Ultimate Brass LTC簽名系列大號號嘴。. Tak Chun Lai, from Hong Kong, is one of the first Chinese tuba players to be offered a position as principal tuba of an overseas professional orchestra. He joined the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra as Principal tuba player in 2015.

  9. 陳敏聰現為香港小交響樂團中提琴手,亦是羅曼四重奏創團成員。 陳氏於在學期間創立Trio Cilliuppe-長笛,中提琴及豎琴三重奏,曾先後兩次於校內室內樂比賽中獲勝,並與該組合於美國作巡迴演出。

  10. Hong Kong bassoonist Toby Chan was appointed Co-principal Bassoon of the Hong Kong Philharmonic (HK Phil) in 2016. As an active orchestral musician, he has performed with orchestras including the New York Philharmonic, Boston Symphony Orchestra and the BBC national orchestra of welsh.

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