雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 麥芽糖夾餅是香港、澳門和臺灣的一種街頭小食 [1],在臺灣,一般以麥芽餅稱之,而臺灣閩南語以麥芽稱之。 於1960年代麥芽糖夾餅是常見的零食,但隨後逐漸式微。

  2. 麥芽糖夾餅是香港、澳門和臺灣的一種街頭小食 [1],在臺灣,一般以麥芽餅稱之,而臺灣閩南語以麥芽稱之。 於1960年代麥芽糖夾餅是常見的零食,但隨後逐漸式微。

    • 鳳梨酥 Pineapple Cake / Shortcake / Pastry
    • 麥芽餅 Maltose Cracker Sandwich
    • 綠豆椪 Mung Bean Pastry
    • 芋頭酥 Taro Pastry
    • 牛軋糖 Nougat
    • 鐵蛋 Iron Egg
    • 魷魚絲 Dried Shredded Squid
    • 肉乾 Jerky
    • 豌豆酥/可樂果 Pea Crackers
    • 茶葉 Tea / Tea Leaf

    「鳳梨」的台語有「好運到」的意思,所以我們常在過年過節時互相贈送鳳梨酥。現在市售的鳳梨酥有兩種內餡:冬瓜和鳳梨,冬瓜內餡的鳳梨酥比較甜,口感較綿密;鳳梨內餡的鳳梨酥比較有鳳梨的酸味,口感也比較紮實。 In Taiwanese, the word for “pineapple” sounds similar to the phrase, “here comes prosperity” , so pineapples have come to symbolize good luck and fortune. We buy pineapple cakes for each other during Chinese New Year. They usually come with two kinds...

    這是台灣古早味零食,用兩片餅乾將麥芽糖夾在中間,好吃不黏牙,讓你一口接著一口! The maltose cracker sandwich is a snack that has been around for decades. It’s made of two pieces of crackers and a maltose filling. It’s good and it won’t get stuck on your teeth. I promise that once you get a bite of it, you won’t be able to stop! ・maltose 麥芽糖 點這邊聽發音

    台灣傳統月餅的一種,內餡是綠豆泥,有時會加入豬肉,但近年來因為健康考量,漸漸地全部都用綠豆泥了。 The mung bean pastry is one kind of traditional Taiwanese mooncake. The filling consists mostly of mashed mung bean, and sometimes pork. To promote a healthier diet, the mung bean pastry makers have almost replaced all of the pork fillings with mung bean. ・mung bean 綠豆 點這邊聽發音 ・green bean 四季豆 ・red bea...

    外型是圓形酥皮,內夾芋頭泥內餡。芋頭是台灣人早期主食之一,綿密又鬆軟,很多老一輩的人非常喜歡吃芋頭喔! The round-shaped taro pastry has a crispy crust that wraps up the taro mush filling. Soft and smooth in texture, taro was a staple of the Taiwanese diet in early times, and remains as a popular and well-loved food among older people. ・taro 芋頭 ・taro ball 芋圓

    牛軋糖其實是義大利人發明,後來傳入台灣後,台灣人加入奶粉當做主原料,形成獨樹一幟的台式牛軋糖。 To most people’s surprise, the nougat actually originated in Italy. After setting its roots in Taiwan, the nougat has evolved into a different form, including milk powder as its main ingredient; the variation has later become the signature Taiwanese-style nougat. ・nougat 牛軋糖 點這邊聽發音

    鐵蛋雖然看起來黑得嚇人,但他獨特的Q彈嚼勁和入味的醬油香,常常使外國人驚艷。 While their dark color might seem scary at first, iron eggs have worked their way into foreigners’ appetites with their unique chewy texture and rich soy sauce flavor. 來看看這對可愛的外國情侶吃了鐵蛋的反應吧!

    台灣人的下酒零食之一,很有咬勁,越咬越香,吃到最後還會有甜甜的味道浮現喔! The dried shredded squid is a common tapa in Taiwan. It’s very chewy. The flavor starts coming out as you chew, gets more intense the more you chew, and gradually ends with a tint of sweetness. ・shred 撕碎 點這邊聽發音 ・squid 魷魚 點這邊聽發音 ・cuttlefish 花枝、烏賊 點這邊聽發音 ・salmon 鮭魚 點這邊聽發音

    也是搭配啤酒不可或缺的好朋友!每一口都非常有味道,一點都不乾澀。 When there’s beer, there’s got to be some jerkies! Every bite is incredibly flavorful and moist. 肉乾也是肉類,所以這個字也是不可數名詞喔! ・beef jerky 牛肉乾 點這邊聽發音 ・pork jerky 豬肉乾

    伴隨台灣人長大的零食,外型像螺旋義大利麵,吃起來酥酥脆脆,蒜香味在口中奔放! For those born and raised in Taiwan, pea crackers must be one of the snacks that you grew up eating. They are shaped like Rotini noodles, with a crunchy and crispy texture and a lasting garlic flavor. ・pea 豌豆

    台灣人非常愛喝茶,多虧了台灣的地形及氣候優勢,產出了許多名聞國際的高山茶! The Taiwanese have been known for their unconditional love for tea. Taking advantage of its climate and undulating topography, Taiwan has produced all kinds of tea that are marketed throughout the world. 來跟著老師學怎麼用英文介紹不同茶種吧! 這邊再推薦一個整理得非常完整的文章,以後就不會只說得出"I love tea, and you?"了! 文:Elena Chien、Veronica Pu ※本文獲「Voice...

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  3. malt loaf uk / ˌmɒlt ˈləʊf/ us / ˈmɑːlt ˌloʊf/ noun. in Britain, a type of sweet, sticky, dark coloured bread containing raisins , or a loaf of this type of bread: I love a slice of malt loaf with my cup of tea. 我喜歡在喝茶的時候吃一片麥芽糖麵包。.

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    • 鳳梨酥 pineapple cake / shortcake / pastry。「鳳梨」的台語有「好運到」的意思,所以我們常在過年過節時互相贈送鳳梨酥。
    • 麥芽餅 maltose cracker sandwich。這是台灣古早味零食,用兩片餅乾將麥芽糖夾在中間,好吃不黏牙,讓你一口接著一口!The maltose cracker sandwich is a snack that has been around for decades.
    • 綠豆椪 mung bean pastry。台灣傳統月餅的一種,內餡是綠豆泥,有時會加入豬肉,但近年來因為健康考量,漸漸地全部都用綠豆泥了。The mung bean pastry is one kind of traditional Taiwanese mooncake.
    • 芋頭酥 taro pastry。外型是圓形酥皮,內夾芋頭泥內餡。芋頭是台灣人早期主食之一,綿密又鬆軟,很多老一輩的人非常喜歡吃芋頭喔!The round-shaped taro pastry has a crispy crust that wraps up the taro mush filling.
  4. www.wikiwand.com › zh-tw › 麥芽糖夾餅麥芽糖夾餅 - Wikiwand

    麥芽糖夾餅是香港、澳門和臺灣的一種街頭小食,在臺灣,一般以麥芽餅稱之,而臺灣閩南語以麥芽稱之。 於1960年代麥芽糖夾餅是常見的零食,但隨後逐漸式微。

  5. 麥芽糖夾餅是港澳、台灣的一種街頭小食,在台灣,一般以麥芽餅稱之,而台灣 閩南語 以麥芽稱之,以兩塊餅乾或特製煎餅著繞著小木 (或竹)支的麥芽糖就成為麥芽糖夾餅。. 以前是 港澳 及台灣受歡迎的街頭小食,但現時已不常見,在港澳地區,僅於以 ...

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