雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 定期票Web預約服務可讓人事先從電腦平板電腦智慧型手機等裝置連上專用網站來預約定期票再到設置於東京地鐵各站部分車站除外的粉紅色售票機購買新定期票。 也可用來查詢定期票的票價、比較和確認路線等。 ※本服務僅支援日語,本連結所前往的網頁使用日語導覽。 敬請見諒。 預約定期票(前往專用預約網站) PASMO、車票 首頁. 車票. 優惠車票. CHIKA TOKU(聯合折扣、服務) 多功能售票機. 定期票網站預約服務. 定期票售票口. 車票注意事項. 特定路線車票. 路線、車站資訊. 搜尋票價、轉乘站. 致力讓乘客安心. 介紹東京地鐵的「PASMO、車票」。

  2. Fare/Transfer Search. You can find a transfer route, time (minutes), ticket/commuter pass fare from a departure station to an arrival station. The Fare/Transfer Search Service is intended to intrinsically navigate our passengers but not to be accessed heavily for secondary use of data. We would appreciate if you could understand its intrinsic ...

  3. Fare/Transfer Search. You can find a transfer route, time (minutes), ticket/commuter pass fare from a departure station to an arrival station. The Fare/Transfer Search Service is intended to intrinsically navigate our passengers but not to be accessed heavily for secondary use of data. We would appreciate if you could understand its intrinsic ...

  4. 通勤、通學定期票的乘車路線為乘客購買時填寫的區間,不可搭乘其他路線。. 唯通勤、通學定期票的出發及抵達車站區間內若包含以下路線,不受定期票上標示的指定乘車路線限制,可搭乘該區間內的任一路線。. 澀谷~表參道~青山一丁目~永田町或赤坂見附 ...

  5. 在CHIKATOKU官網查詢合作設施! STEP.2. 使用一日通票自由上下車,享受東京旅遊. STEP.3. 每到一間合作設施,就出示一日通票,獲得各式優惠或小禮! 可使用區域. 新宿、池袋、豐島區. 澀谷、表參道、惠比壽區. 赤坂、六本木區. 日本橋、東京、銀座區. 築地、新橋、大門區. 上野、淺草、秋葉原區. 台場、清澄區. 九段下、後樂園、荒川區. 可獲得精美小禮的景點類別. 美食. 餐廳、居酒屋及外帶店家等. 購物. 時尚流行店、雜貨店及藥妝店等. 美容室、身心放鬆、美甲沙龍等. 娛樂及服務. 娛樂場所、運動、劇院、停車場等. 博物館. 美術館、博物館、科學館、歷史資料館等. 庭園及公園. 庭園、公園、花園、烤肉廣場等.

  6. 70 yen will be discounted from the regular passenger fare from the station of departure on Tokyo Metro lines to the station of arrival on Toei Subway lines. *The prices shown include the Tokyo Metro line's portion of the train station barrier-free fee (10 yen for adults). The price for children is half that of an adult after adding the train ...

  7. In some subway stations, you must pass through the fare gates when transferring lines, even when they are both Tokyo Metro lines. In that case, when changing from one Tokyo Metro line to another, pass through the special orange transfer gates. If you take longer than 60 minutes to change trains, you will need to purchase a new ticket.